"Contract" by BristolPlays

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Basement Miner Agreement.
I, BristolPlays agrees fully to this contract, and fully understands after signing.

II: I, BristolPlays agrees to mine out the whole basement of CollinTower1 and CollinTower21.

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II: BristolPlays is to not grief the region in any way, shape or form without given permission. He will stick directly to the basement and only the basement.
III: BristolPlays will be supplied Pickaxes from LuciusFoxWC until said otherwise by LuciusFoxWC

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IV: Before starting to mine, BristolPlays is to be paid by LuciusFoxWC or PurgePlanet an amount of $12,500.

V: If BristolPlays is to go inactive, the amount paid will be forwarded back to PurgePlanet.
Inactive meaning t-1 month without playing.

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VI: As BrisolPlays mines the basement, the process should take only 1 month at most, anything after will not be counted, thus BristolPlays will be fired, and the amount of $12,500 will be retured to PurgePlanet or LuciusFoxWC.

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Date; 12/12/18

Signature: Bristol