"Priest handbook" by jrsunwukong

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1. No drinking
2. No drugs
3. No marriage
4. No opposition of the church
5. Loyalty to the bishop (none) and The Pope (jrsunwukong)
5. Pray everyday
6. Enforce the rules of the church
7.Be useful and loving

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Blessing of Baptism:

Q: Do you accept God
then he says yes
Q: Do you accept the church
then he says yes

In the name of the father, the son, and the holy spirit you are reborn
(the put the water on him)

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The Blessing of marriage:

Do you love and accept (name of wife)
as your bride

Do you love and accept (name of the man) as your husband. In the name of the catholic church you may kiss the bride. And till death do you part.

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Let the man confess all his sins Then say,"In the name of the father the son and the holy spirit you are cleansed my son go on your way."

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The Anointing of The Sick:

bless the man with water then say to them," God bless this divine souls and cleanse him of his sin and take him to heaven. amen"
then bless him with water again.

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Q: In the name of god do you accept him?
they say yes
Q:Do youaccept the church?
they say yes

Then by Jesus Chrsit i name you a catholic.

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(can only be perform after permission with a bish or pope (jrsunwukong))

In the name of God repel this demon. In the name of Jesus repel this demon. In the name of the holy spirit repel this demon. repeat, while blessing

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with holy water. Do this until the evil presence is gone. If it doesn't go try use a multiple of priests or a bishop or pope.

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BLessing an item or holy water:

In the name of god, please bless this with your grace and power to help all of humanity. amen.

then rename if water to holy water.

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Celebrating mass:

Say whatever bible chapter you chose then when finished, give everybody a bread and water(rename it to jesus's blood)
after blessing it. Then say god bless and have a good day.

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Blessing the water and bread:

Oh holy spirit, come down and make this bread and water into the body and blood of christ. amen.

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By the pope jrsunwukong.