"DOJ HQ Press" by Todee123

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Last night Attorney General RyanBrock held a press conference at the DOJ Head Quarters in Viridis. The press conference was to discuss the renovations to the HQ as well as answer questions about the HQ renovations and the

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new education program that the DOJ will be implementing soon. The AG started off by thanking everyone for coming to the press conference and started discussing the renovations. The AG then said that the FBI section would be given to the DEA, as under AG

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Ryan, the "useless" FBI as the AG put it, would not be a division in the newly improved DOJ HQ. AG Ryan defended his statement by saying that that the FBI can not do any more than the current Law Enforcement is already doing. When asked about the FBI plan

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under Atwood, Ryan said that he quote "didn't hear the details" because he had already made up his mind about the FBI. The AG then shifted gears to the DOJ education program, clarifying that it is not a prerequisite for Law Enforement but rather a

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education program for the public. He added that the DOJ will focus on things the people would actually care about, including DOJ history, Why policies are made, DOJ, and Law Enforcement. He also stated during this that the DOJ would start to have policies

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in writing for the public to view. In addition he let everyone attending know that the DOJ will have a website and database for all laws, saying that the DOJ "took it upon themselves" to create this database. Furthermore, the AG told the press after

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questioned about VPD not responding to crime due to them being "too busy", the AG said,"I am actively working with VPD to resolve that issue." He then wrapped up the press conference and allowed everyone to walk around freely in the non restricted areas.