"EMT Guide" by creqerie

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The EMT Guide

Written by: creqerie

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3) VFD Leadership
4) Requirements to join
5) What is an EMT?
6-7) 911 Broadcast
8-9) Information
10-11) EMS Ranks

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EMS Leadership
Fire Commisioner
EMS Chief
EMS Deputy
EMS Trainer

The Fire Commisioner leads the VFD but the EMS Chief leads the EMS, they are your boss. Under them is the EMS Deputy and Trainers.

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Requirements to join
To join the EMS team you have to be 1 week crime free, meaning 1 week of doing no crime. If you are not crime free and join the EMS team, you will serve a suspension for how long you will be until you are crime free.

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What is an EMT?
EMTs are the first responders to life threatning situations. If a citizen is knocked, or is in considerable amounts of pain, the EMS will come and assist.

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911 Broadcast
911 brodcast is for the Vindex Police Deparment and the Vindex Fire Department to communicate. To access and communicate in 911b, you will do the command /911b.

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Before each message in 911b, you will use a customly assigned callign, assigned by a VFDL member.

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EMS help citizens through Vindex Nation that are knocked out. To revive a knocked player, you simply right click, but do not move whilst doing this.

To know EMS is needed, in 911b a dispatcher will call for one.

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Once you've arrived on location of where the EMT is needed, you will revive them and take them to the ER. There, you will call for a surgeon in globalto give the patient emergency surgery.

The ER is in downtown Vindex, EMS do not work there, however.

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EMS Ranks
EMS Probationary
EMS Paramedic
EMS Leading
EMS Lieutenant
EMS Captain
EMS Commander
EMS Trainer
EMS Deputy Chief
EMS Chief

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You may rank up to these ranks by time, whereas with EMS Trainer, EMS Deputy or EMS Chief, you are manually appointed.