"The Lonley Duck1" by gamerboss84

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The Lonley


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Once opon a time, there was a duck named Leo he was a boy he went all around town searhing for love but he didnt all he found love to was his owners Jack and Aney. So one day Leo the duck went walking he found a girl.

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"He said this in his mind \u0027\u0027Come one Leo your a duck you can do this talk normaly\u0027\u0027 so he walked up slowley and asked \u0027\u0027What color do you like\u0027\u0027 then she relpyed \u0027\u0027Pink\u0027\u0027 Leo said \u0027\u0027I li

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"Later then the girl said \u0027\u0027Sorry I need to go home my mom will kill me if I dont come in\u0027\u0027\nand all Leo could hear was \u0027\u0027COME IN!\u0027\u0027 from her moms deepest voice than Leo said \u0027\u0027Wait whats your name!\u0027\u

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"failed to. The next day Leo waited all night and morning for that girl to come out but she didnt. Waiting for days but she didnt come out so Leo stopped and thought \u0027\u0027I can knock on her door!.... But wait if her mom yells at me\u0027\u0027 so Le

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"the door and said in his head \u0027\u0027Im a man I can do this\u0027\u0027 so Leo knocked on the door \u0027\u0027Knock knock\u0027\u0027 than the door opend and her mom came out she looked nice and she said \u0027\u0027come in come in here take some ca

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Leo ran as fast as he could he finaly made it outside it was fine out there until her dad started stomping through ant kingdoms Leo was running for his life until he fell and then felt a huge hand touching his back and then feeling a something sharp

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"touching his back Leo screamed \u0027\u0027AAAAHH STOP PLEASE DONT KILL ME PLEASE!\u0027\u0027 then he started to cry and then the dad said \u0027\u0027Im not going to kill you that was only a rock\u0027\u0027\nsaid the old man then Leo said \u0027\u0027O

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"ran for his life screaming \u0027\u0027AA!!\u0027\u0027 then he went back home as a normal duck then slept the night \u0027\u0027Zzzz\u0027\u0027 he then woke up the next day yawning and streching \n\n 0\n \u003d\u003d\u003d/\u003d\u003

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"Leo was lonley doing nothing by himself at his house just sitting there he was starving he wanted some seeds seen as he was a duck he then later didint care about that girl so he went and called his friends \u0027\u0027Wana go to the pary\u0027\u0027Leo s

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"\u0027\u0027Yeah ofcourse!\u0027\u0027 so Leo went with his friends to the park playing on monkey bars sliding down slides going on swings and doing all that fun stuff until he saw that duck he tryed to ignore her and he did he then went home after the pl

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crying and sleeping in the bed like a sad duck that lonley he didnt want to go out of his house he was lomley. He wanted to kill him self but he didnt he decided to be a man and deal with it he then opend the door to go outside than took a deep breath

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and shut the door and didnt go outside so he was lonley for hours doing nothing Leo wishes he can make love next time.

Look out next time!

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-By Gamerboss84
-Libary book(Book)
-A fiction/Non fiction book


Gamerboss84 Or

for more details

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