"My Story" by PsychoGuy_

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Hello. And thank you for taking the time to read this book. These accounts are factual to the best of my memory.

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These things you are about to read are not anything that the average player couldn't pull off. Every single person on this server is capable of these things, and I encourage you to get out there and go for it if you want to. It's only Minecraft.

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With out any further interuptions. I will now explain my primary history on this server.

Chapter 1

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I had played on here for a few years, starting around February of 2016. I didn't do much that was notable however until around November of 2017. I had just been unbanned from a 2 week temp banned for police abuse. I had been banned for cuffing a player...

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who would rdm a server event each time he respawned. RDM was not a rule at this time.

I joined the Army when I had gotten back, and an old friend of mine had hinted that they had some kind of unique job for me, though I never listened.

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Later on, I was called on by a General. His name was Paarthurnax, though he had been formerly known as Zephyr. He informed me during a Helicopter ride to the middle of a Jungle that I had been selected to join a command known as SOCOM.

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This stood for "Special Operations Command". It's existence was classified at this time, and no public knowledge had been released. After testing me by making me cross through a jungle and finding a helicopter in a clearing, I was accepted.

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After this training, I was put into a sub division of SOCOM as a Ranger. I was then deployed with other men who were also part of the Rangers, and Navy SEAL's, to a developing nation being created in the wild. This operation would come to be Known as...

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Operation Yellow Jacket. The main goal of this operation was to provide recon to the developing country, and report our findings back to our superiors. However, anyone involved knows that this is not how it ended up going down.

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Chapter 2

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Around half way through this Operation, I transfered over to the Navy and joined the Navy Seals. Upon returning back to the area of operations it became apparent that my comrades had planted explosives around the village. This was done because...

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many of us expected that we would be given orders to demo the base eventually. Eventually the locals became aware of our operation in the area, and began to become upset. Word of military personnell in the wild began to pour out, causing the Army...

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Infantry to report to the area of operation out of confusion. After calling our superiors we were able to get them to back out of the area, however our cover had been severely blown. Many gunfights with the locals ensued. Eventually the base was ignited.

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The operation was considered a failure by everyone involved. Records may still be in circulation speaking of this event to this very day.

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After this operation began a long period of waiting. SOCOM got very few operations, as the failure of this operation gave us a bad reputation, which was justified. It was a very rough start as few commands in the DOD have ever done this type of work.

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It was a very new type of work for everyone involved.

Eventually we got into contact with the VIA. We were provided with a liason by the name of SerialNano, who assisted with operations and communications involving the VIA.

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New sub divisions of SOCOM formed, under the umbrella of the Joint Special Operations Command, JSOC for short. JSOC housed two seperate task forces. Task Force Green contained the Army's tier 1 special missions unit. Known as SFOD-D. Or "Delta Force".

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Task Force Blue, the second task force, contained the Navy's tier 1 unit. Naval Special Warfare Development Group. Otherwise known as "DEVGRU", or "Seal Team 6".

The number 6 was chosen as it gave the impression that there were more teams...

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than there actually were. Sort of a form of Psychological Warfare.

During this time, I joined DEVGRU, which contained a small number of Seals.

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Chapter 3

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DEVGRU had been involved with a few small scale skirmishes, nothing quite notable during its time. However we were eventually tasked with a few different jobs. Notably, the invasion of Rebel Island. After a few failed attempts at holding the Island...

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We had learned that in that area, enchanted diamond armor is allowed. This was learned through the fact that we kept getting obliterated by one single rebel who could take anything we threw at her. So we decided to get creative.

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After one member had to log off, me and the team leader fell back to the main land, where we crafted and enchanted diamond armor. We grabbed stacks of ammo and quickly headed back to the area with a sethome we had in the area.

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This tactic was extremely effective. We did die a couple times in the process. However we were essentially unstoppable. They might have had one enchanted fighter, but there were two of us.

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We held the Island until the President at the time (gooeypenguin), landed at the area and engaged in Peace Talks with the Warlord. Peace was achieved, so we left the area.

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A while later, drama broke out in the command. I got into a fight with my team leader because of the fact he would not reccomend me for appointment to officer on behalf of my lack of "leadership skills".

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Out of anger I transfered over to Delta Force and was given a rank as an officer in the Army. This move was highly disputed, as my former team leader (who will be known as Riley from this point on) believed I had lied to obtain this position.

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After speaking with Navy Leadership, and after an hour of debate, I was finally given my position back in Devgru. While I never made officer around this time, I did eventually become the Team Leader after Riley became the MCPON.

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He left SOCOM, and I was his replacement for that position.

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Chapter 4

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We eventually got involved with a nation known as "Sealand". Which was a Country which formed of an oil rig off the coast of Seawall. This was a confusing time as there were many conflicts and raids on the country.

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Sometimes I was defending the Country, sometimes I was raiding it. The only real notable thing I remember was having to stop fellow members of the DOD from raiding the Island. To the point that I was ordered to shoot fellow members if I had to.

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Thankfully I dont recall ever having killed anyone here. Shots were fired but I don't recall if I ever hit anyone.

Eventually, Riley had been hired by the VIA. Which had always been something I desired on this server.

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Applications did open up, and I applied. I was almost sure I wouldn't get it as I had been temp banned for police abuse and at the time was banned from joining the Police (which Suurfer voided allowing me to be a cop again). I was wrong however.

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One day I was sitting in my appartment when I see a few agents hiding outside my door. I think I might've impressed them by telling them I knew they were armed cause of a mod I had on (Not a banned mod, it was allowed by mods at the time).

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They asked me to come outside, which I did, and I followed them down to a car they had parked outside. They drove me to a facility and began to interview me. This was done in a voice chat. I brought up the ban with them and they believed...

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though my actions were bannable, that they were done with good intention. After the interview, I recieved no information on my application. Eventually however, I heard one applicant had been hired. So I immediately logged on.

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Right as I logged in, SerialNano sent me an appointment request, and right then and there I became an Agent. I recieved so many congratulations in global that I lagged out after freezing up. It was probably the happiest moment on Vindex for me.

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I was given a uniform after a few minutes of waiting. We then began to conduct an operation collecting intelligence in the wild. This is all within the first 30 minutes of joining bear in mind.

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Chapter 5

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I did a few things in the VIA during this time. I attempted to create a Paramilitary Command called SOG. This command never did really anything. We might've done some recon but that was about it. And it was only like once.

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However, we did get to do a lot of black bag operations which were my favorite. Other than that it was a lot of investigations, and similar work. I went undercover once but it's not as cool as it sounds. All I did was get some coordinates which was easy.

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Eventually I left the server for a while, which concluded what I consider to be my golden age on Vindex.

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Chapter 6

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After this I rejoined a few times. I was able to get back into the VIA 4 times, after quitting multiple times. I was also able to re-establish the SEAL's a few times, but they never returned to their former glory.

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Eventually during Wobbly's presidency, the CNO was fired and replaced. Apparently the new CNO already had his own SEAL Team, and I assume he wasn't fond of mine. He wanted me to give up the names of my members but out of concern for them I simply quit.

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I joined Lech, and took part in some activities with them. I am unaware of what they keep public over there so I dont have much to say about that.

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I came back to Vindex after some time, and joined the Navy on and off, and sometimes the VIA on and off. It was easy to find a job but I didn't ever really enjoy it much like I used to. After leaving the VIA one final time I rejoined the Navy.

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Obviously I left (again)
but I finally realised
it's not what it used to be. Not for me at least. I dont get the same enjoyment out of it.

I tried to reunite with Riley but it always ended in some argument.

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I'll probably retire after this stint as a Rebel. I've done a lot on this server but working in the same type of jobs over and over isn't reigniting any interest.

Thank you for Reading my story.
