"Manifesto" by AlexGLife

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The Manifesto of

The Vommunist Party




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Our Policies

Free and Better Healthcare - Expand the amount of available medicine and medical personel. Cut down on drug’s cost. Healthcare is a human right!

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Expansion of Democracy - Establish city-councils and soviets where people will be able to gather, debate and influence the latest political issues. We want a true and direct democracy in Vindex. One where everyone is part of the policy-and

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decision making process.

Create Workers Unions - No more shall the working masses have to live in fear of their boss. We the Communist party shall advocate and fight for the creation of Worker’s Unions
that will protect and

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preserve the rights of the working people.

Cut Down on the massive Wealth Gap – Todays reality where some people sleep out in the streets while others enjoy luxurious baths in their palaces is
unnaceptable and

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immoral. We propose a progressive taxation that will create a more equal and fair economy.

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We, the Vommunist party, support every revolutionary and political movement that opposes the exploitative and inequal order of todays society. We bring forward policies that will expand everyone's

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freedom by expanding democracy, worker’s rights and by cutting down on the massive wealth inequality. We do not conceal our views and aims. We declare openly that our ends can only be met via the creation of a mass movement of working people and the

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establishment of of an International, Socialist Comradeship in Vindex.

Let the upper classes tremble at the rise of our Communist ideals. The workers have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win. Working Men Unite and Join us!