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"Bank Contract" by Jack_Specter
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-------------------Kingsmen Bank Saving Accounts
-------------------This official document outlines all the terms and conditions for a savings account linked with Kingsmen Bank, the signee agrees to all the terms within the official document
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Terms and Conditions
-------------------I) The Kingsmen Bank agrees to add 7% interest weekly to the initial amount placed in the savings account
II) The signee cannot remove money from their savings account for 2 weeks, but can place more money.
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III) The signee is entitled to be able to withdraw money from his/her account after 2 weeks, but but give a 24 hour time limit for the bank to give them their money.
IV) The Kingsmen bank is allowed to use the signee's money for corporate use. But still
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insures the signee up to 150k of his money for a single withdrawal within the 24 hours.
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Signed: Jack_Specter