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"Court 10/26/19" by afchlam
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I. Upon the signing of this order by the discretion of at the minimum two court judges, the travel of Megan H. Boone (MeganBoone), V.N., shall be suspended, pursuant to evidences A and B.
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A. The suspension length and time shall be regulated by the Secretary of Transportation as a fixed time.
- Upon the expiration of this suspension, Ms. Boone shall be free to travel to and from Vindex Nation at her discretion.
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- Have any other criminal acts arise from Megan Boone, the Secretary of Transportation is authorized to extend this time.
B. Punishment
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- If this agreement is breached by Ms. Boone during any time, including her entering the country or leaving in any way shape or form, the Department of Transportation may choose to suspend her citizenship.
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C. Expiration
- Upon the expiration of the validity of the evidence against Ms. Boone, this order shall be effectively nullified and Ms. Boone shall be free to travel as she pleases.
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- Upon the decision of the court case regarding Ms. Boone, this order shall be effectively nullified and Ms. Boone shall be free to travel as she pleases.
A) This clause is void if the Judge so orders against it in an official order.
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Jayden K. Corona, District Judge
Carl N. Stockman, District Judge
Juan Chan, District Judge