"DreamBig, GetBig" by Hargles

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How I made my Money

I joined Vindex roughly 4 Months ago maybe. Starting off is always the hardest little funds, little connections and no resources. I started with 3k, so the first thing I did was

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create a business so I could store my money in a safe location where I wouldn't lose it for killing someone.
I wanted to buy a Wyndham Resort, so I needed around 10k, so I got into robbing the bank. It was easier back then, there was less security.

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Eventually I got the 10k, and bought a Wyndham for a killer deal at 8k. So I converted the apartment into a office area, and thus 'spectrem' was created. From then on we would usually buy more Wyndhams and do them up and sell them for a profit. This made

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a tidy little amount of around 30-50k at the time. I was just saving up my goal was to own a Collin Centre Floor. It was a dream office for me, eventually we got 80k, and I moved all my stuff into a Seaside Appartment temporarily and tried to sell the

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Wyndham I lived in, eventually I managed to sell it for 20k, a 12k profit from what I previously bought it for. I swiftly bought the Collin Centre Floor, it was a dream for me. I moved all my stuff in, and did it up. Eventually I opened up a bar at the

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end of the corridor for my employee's to buy a drink. Then one day my Business Partner skywye said to me, "Hey Hargles, why don't we open up a bar here, its really popular we could make alot of money". I thought thats a really good idea. So instantly

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I restocked all the alcohol and started publicizing the bar. On the first day it was incredibly popular probadly 10-20 people in the bar at once. In the first IRL day of it being open it made 35,000$. This was absolutely insane I'd never made so much

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money in one day. So I left the bar open making lots of money. During this I developed a big political interest about the inequality in Vindex. So I started a chain of riots right outside of the Whitehouse I developed a large

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following around 20 people would attend each riot. At the peak of this success, I was single handedly responsible for making GrandDuke put the city into a lockdown twice. I was recieving lots of donations from followers sometimes 500$. I knew this was

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major but I wanted to do something massive, so with the assistance of my friends skywye, TMY1595 and ThomasA03. I snuck inside of the Whitehouse (To this day I haven't told anyone how I did this and I still won't). I took pictures of all the offices and

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rooms. And I posted it on the forums provoking one of the most controversial forum posts in Vindex history. At the time there was a severe housing crisis, so I wanted to show how they lived in luxury and didn't do anything about the shortage.
On top of

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this my employee's at spectrem were still selling and doing up houses. I was making nearly 40k a week. After my riots I tried clearing my criminal past and running for Congressman7 alongside my Business Partner skywye running for Congressman6. We had lots

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of support from my previous fellow protesters/rioters. We campaigned for over 9 hours. Fortunately me and skywye both got Congressman. But instantly from fellow Congress such as Ryanbrock and TyMiner was a backlash. They both lead a campaign to get us

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impeached we both faught back hard, and fortunately MixerMic and GrandDuke were on our sides saying we should give them a chance. I guess because of this backlash I decided to quit Congress. Im going to say something I've never said before. If Ryanbrock

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and TyMiner had never tried to get us impeached I never would of resorted back to crime. If they had never done that Super Drug never would have opened. Anyway back to the story. I was introduced to the production of drugs by my asssociate

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Chubzy444. He told me "Theres big money to made in Drugs". So we started by making meth. May I point at this point I never took drugs I just produced them. I believe it all started when we produced a stack of meth for 1000$. And then we started mass

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producing them as we realised we could make a fortune out of this. Then we thought of the genius idea of buying Mall Plot. So we approached __George__ (Firen, Guperman), whatever you want to call him. So we purchased a extra large mall plot in Section 1

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Floor 2 Right Side. We wanted to turn it into a major drugs and tobbaco producer. We thought of a ingenius name 'Super Drug'!. We spent 30,000$. On stocking drugs and tobbaco in. We opened it and starting Radioing the advert. It was brillliant we were

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popular and we were making nearly 15k a day. Thats 95k a week. At this point I was probadly the most comfortable with my finances then I had ever been. The key for opening up shops and them being successful is selling something people want. And for me

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people happened to want Tobbaco and Drugs. I am obliged by the publishers to mention that Drugs can destroy your life so you always have a choice. At the time alot of people called me a monster for selling drugs. But may I point out I sold neutralizers.

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Neutralizers cancel out the effects of drugs, so I helped people. So I feel that stabalised my morality.
I kept this up for a month or so and I ended up making 500k. So I owned a incredibly successful shop and a Real Estate company and in 1 Month I made

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500k. So I bought a house by the Bank 'Ella'. When I first joined Vindex I thought I was never going to be able to own a house like this. And now I do its been my dream. And this is how I made my money.

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December 29, 2015
Author: Hargles