"#Aarmau Pt. 1" by x_MysticRose_x

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1st Fanfic:
"The Love Land"
Ft. #Aarmau YASS xD
(Turn to Fangirl in

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Scene: Aphmau is in her room, goes outside to get mail...

Aphmau: Lets see..
Bills, bills, bills.. Ooo
An.. Invite to an... Amusement Park?

*Aphmau reads the Letter*

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Letter says:

Dear Aphmau, you are invited to an Amusement Park, not just an ordinary one.. A Love LAnd THEMED!
Bring your couple,
Oh! And you can invite Two other guests who are both couples..
Hope you can make it!
<3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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Aphmau: Wait.. o_o what random person would know my name and know.. I have a boyfriend..? huh?

*Kawaii is right behind her she jumps*

Kawaii~Chan: MEEE!!!

*Aphmau Jumps*

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Aphmau: K-Kawaii~Chan!!!!
YOU SCARED THE FLUFF OUT OF ME!?!? What where you doing?!?

Kawaii~Chan: Oops! Hehe Kawaii~Chan is just SUPPPPERRR Excited about the Love LAnd Amusement park she rented!!!!

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YYHHFHEFHU *she fangirls*

Aphmau: Wait.. WHAT??!?!
But.. *blushes*

Kawaii~Chan: Hehe!!!! YEEE Aphmau~Senpai, you and Aaron are dating now.. so I wanted to do this for you, I invited random other people to this,

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but Kawaii~Chan doesn't know their names, so just invited them and Kawaii~Chan gave them the Adress!

Aphmau: Kawaii~Chan, thats really sweet of you.. but--

Kawaii~Chan: YASSSSS

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*Kawaii~Chan goes crazy and runs around fangirling..*

Aphmau: *laughs* *sigh* Will she ever learn.. *stares at her smiling*

*Aaron walks up behind her*

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Aaron: Hey! Whats up Aph?

*Aphmau Jumps*

Aphmau: Wh- Jeez! Aaron you scared me!! I was just going to ask you about this letter?

Aaron: What Letter..?

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Aphmau: Kawaii~Chan Rented a place called Love Land and Invited me, other people strangers and just told them the Adress..
*blushes* I was wondering if you--

Aaron: Ill go with you.
I mean we are a couple.. right?

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Aphmau: Oh.. Phew I thought you wouldn't want to go, because I just..--

Aaron: *touches her shoulder* I would do anything for you... *he looks into her eyes and smiles*

*Kawaii~Chan stops and stares at them,

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Aaron and Aphmau don't see Kawaii~Chan*

*They kiss*

Kawaii~Chan: o_o K-Kawaii~Chan J-j-just s-saw Aphmau~Senpai a-and
Aaron~Kun k-k-kiss at s-sunset..?!?!?
*she faints*

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*Aphmau notices Kawaii~Chan faint*

Aphmau: UGh! kawaii~Chan seriously needs to stop with the fangirling.. (Thankfully she took down the ship which was already enough.)

Aaron: ? Wassat?

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Aphmau: Oh Hehe.. nothing

Aaron: Hehe, your blushing again... is about that ship thingy?

Aphmau: Wait.. WHAT?!?
You.. you know about it..?

Aaron: I saw it one time, I didnt want to tell you.. because hehe..

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you might've fainted..
or blushed as hard as a tomato.. *giggles*

Aphmau: Hey! I see you giggling.. I mean.. I liked the shrine.. Its just she annoys me sometimes..

Aaron: Same. Hey, wanna go get some ice cream?

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Aphmau: Sure!

*they walk to Allie's
Ice Cream & Bakery*

*they talk about what they want*

Aaron: One medium size cone, chocolate please!

*They get the ice cream, pay blah blah*

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*They Eat it together..
Me: YASSS *fangirling* Im sowwyz..

*Kawaii~Chan hides behind the corner and takes pictures of them, right when there about to kiss, Katelyn comes up behind her and says:*

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Aphmau: Uhh.. Katelyn?
What are you doing here?

Katelyn: Me and Travis.. *says quietly* Hang out now...

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Aphmau: REALLY?!?!
YEEEE thats Amazing!
Wheres.. Travis?

*travis pops up behind them* Hey Hey! *touches Katelyn's butt*

Katelyn: *hits Travis*

Travis: Ah ahhooww
WHYY.. *shrieky sound*

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Aaron: *shakes head*
Heh, he never really learns.. does he.

Aphmau: Yep. Wait, Katelyn what makes you and Travis come here?

Katelyn: Me and Travis wanted some ice cream. We heard this place just opened up and wanted to try it out.

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Aphmau: AWWWHHH! so wittle sweet.. *laughs while saying* Maybe you guys can.. well share a cone too..

Katelyn: *puts out fist* Aphmau.. Don't even....

Aphmau: haha,.. oh Katelyn.. its okay if you like Travis..

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Katelyn: UGH!!! Come on Travis, I bet they serve BETTER ice cream at Cyle's ICe Cream Iceland.

*Katelyn drags Kawaii~Chan with them*

Aphmau: Haha.. oh my irene.. what a day for KAtelyn huh?

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Aaron: Heh, yeah..
so.. about that Amusement Park?

Aphmau: Oh Yeah! *looks at the invite.. it says here theres a..
*blushes* A (says quietly) a kissing booth...

Aaron: Will you ever stop blushing? *laughs*

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Aphmau: Wha- IM NOT BLUSHING! I -I just..
I don't know.. I have a problem I guess...

Aaron: Where dating.. you don't have to blush really, or is it just because Im really THAT good looking.. *looks at her like a face to get the words out of her*

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you got me. Fine. Ill try and not blush anymore...

Aaron: Welp, you are cute when you get nervous..

Aphmau: Hey! You blushed at that costume that Lucinda
put on me..

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Aaron: Well, maybe...

Aphmau: I Looked hot? Hhehehehehehehe... >:D

Aaron: *sigh* FIne. Ill admit it. I was too afraid to tell you to leave that costume.. on...

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Aphmau: Wut? Cuz you couldn't handle the Heat.. >:D

Aaron: *blushes*

Aphmau: *laughs* YOU HYPOCRITE! XD

Aaron: H-Hey!!

Aphmau: Im just joking, Aaron

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Aaron: Heh, I know you are.. which is what I love about you.

Aphmau: *smiles*

*They finish the ice cream and head to Aphmau's house*

Aphmau: I had a fun time tonight.

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Aaron: Same, its always fun when it comes to hanging out with you.

Aphmau: Aaron! Stop
*tries to hold back her blushing* (THANK YOU! I didnt blush this time..)

Aaron: I can hear you.. *laughs*

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Aphmau: Well, so Ill cya tommorow? We can talk more about that Amusement Park Love land Thing, and decide who is a couple we can invite.

Aaron: Yeah, Ill cya *smiles kisses her*

*she ends up leaning on the wall while they make out.. <3*

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KAwaii~Chan: *opens door*

Kawaii~CHan: h-huh..?
Kawaii~Chan heard a noise.. what was--

*Kawaii~Chan squeals and freaks out fangirling going nuts!*

Aphmau: *lets go* UGH!
Kawaii~Chan I swear--

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Aaron: *puts finger over her lip* Just let her.. do her fangirly thing.. *kisses her*


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Oohh.. I can see why..

*Aaron and Aphmau are making Making out noises* *kissing sounds*

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Pt. 2 will come out soon! Take Care and Be an #Aarmau FAN 4 LIFE!!!! <3 :DDD
