"Life of Fireseth" by Quinn_Pyro

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The Story of FireSeth
It all started when Seth was looking for a place to stay. It was the mid 2013, the bank had it's grand opening, new houses, the wild, ect. He was looking for an apartment. Finally he could afford an apartment.
He got one. Great!

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He invited his friends, had cake, had a couple drinks, ect. Life was great. He got a job as a Soldier, one of the rarest soldiers of em' all.

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FireSeth was so good at his job as soldier, he got a promotion.
[Soldier] to [Soldier-Sgt.]
Life was great.

He was the FIRST person to get ranked up in the Vindex Military Forces.

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Getting Promotions
He had just got another promotion, to Sergeant something, right before Lt. Then, Dragon had added the new Time Rank System. He personally didn't like it, but it was fine.

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Even more Promos
So, his final rank in the army was Captain, and he saw this bright, young, cool soldier. He quickly ranked up to sgt major. Fire was so proud of him. The Sgt Major was Sherlock1010.

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Yes, FireSeth was the teacher of Sherlock, now Sherlock is the Supreme General of the military. Strongest Military personel there is!

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BEFORE Sherlock1010 became supreme commander, Fire retired from the military, and moved to the Veteran claim. Life went good for a couple weeks.

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New.. Exicting.. Job
This was his second or third government job as ASTRONAUT. Yes, it was a job. He had two missions, he went to space, landed unsuccessfully, Go to space again and orbit around Vindex, landed successfully. After that, VASA

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kind of gave up on the space explorations. So he left and joined Businessman.

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Fort Drug
He had a deadly father named Mantyker. Manty was the second warlord of Vindex, before it was a voting job. Manty left the rebel/protest world and joined the drug business. It became a family business,

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and I had to join it whether I liked it or not. 4 People were in the drug business, including Mantyker, Fireseth, krushgamz, and someone else. They sold, supplied, drugs for 5 months straight.

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The Shootout, Ending the Drug Cartel
It was a cold night in Vindex, all was normal, but in the cartel, business got tight. The Police & DEA were up on Fire and Manty's trails. The police investigated Fire, and told him to turn Manty in.

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But Fireseth decided to handle things his own way. He got his python and headed to Fort Drug. He made it with 3 sticks of dynomite. He blew the entire bridge to pieces.

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Mantyker got alarmed, he went outside and saw Fire blowing up the bridges. It was show time.

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Fireseth VS
Fire pulled out his python and started shooting. Manty did the same. "Why are you doing this?!?" Mantyker exclaimed. Fire kept shooting and destroying the fort.

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Fireseth got a lighter, lit the drugs on fire. Atleast 400-500 lb of drugs were burnt. Mantyker snuck up behind Fire, stuck one or two bullets through his chest. Fireseth fell to the floor, as manty dropped his gun, and looked out the window.

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The cops made it here.
Fire crawled to the pistol that mantyker dropped, a few inches. Fire used his last vew breaths to get that pistol. Fire got the pistol, aimed it at mantyker, shot one time.

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Blurry Face
This was one of the saddest moments in Fireseth's life. Death, death, and death. Divorce papers with Yiroh, lawsuits, communists, 7/11, ect.
This period lasted 4 months.

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The Good Life
The year is 2015. Fire got a new job. Movie Director. Sometimes he'll call himself a producer, since he did produce films. Fire was happy while making films and productions. He's most famous productions were

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"VindexCraft 2.0
Trailer" and
"VindexCraft - Bunker."

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We're Not Done
Turns out from the Fort Drug showdown, Mantyker was alive. Even more, Manty is the leader of the rebellion. That means, he has an entire ARMY.
Fire is on thin ice.

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A couple weeks later, Fire had made it RICH!
He had just sold a production worth $750,000. He had purchased BeachM1 and BeachM2. He invited Silverjh (brother) to live with Fire. Only Two people lived in one big manor.

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Long story short, Fireseth got into a huge rip off to George_. He got one redhouse and $10k to give George BeachM1 and BeachM2.

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Deportation (Ban)
Fireseth decided that it was a good idea to sell his redhouse for $1.50 and give away ALL his properties. Then he disrespected GuinessGeneral, and thats the end of that.

Date Banned: 2/24/2016

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People Who Died
After getting reported to Vindex Nation again, Fireseth didn't have squat. Not even his fame anymore. He was offered 2 places to live, one with King_Eric_Jang, and another by some dude.
He lived with King for a while.

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Harbors Sell
Fireseth managed to sell his old harbors for $60,000. So now he has SOME money. He found this place he could almost afford, a room in the Empire State Building. Just $15,000. He had to work for a while to get $15k. He did it.

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New Life, New Man
Now he lives in the ESB
with his best friend, JurassicWaryar, life is great. All going good, a TV, 4 rooms, 1 bathroom (gosh), 1 kitchen, and a dining room.

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Fireseth still lives at the 14th floor in the ESB with his friend, JurassicWaryar.
Mantyker retired from Warlord, and moved on.
Silverjh died.
Long story short, Fireseth is still poor.

Written in

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Written by Fireseth
(C) Firewall 2016
All Rights Reserved

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Lifetime of Fireseth

(C) Firewall 2016