"The King's Hand" by Firelord2001

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------------------- The King's Hand

By: Firelord2001

Published By: Firelord2001

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------------------- Table of Contents

Chapter One - - - 3

Chapter Two - - - 6

Chapter Three - - 9

Chapter Four - - 13

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------------------- Chapter One
------------------- Long ago, in the land of Zenia, lived a great king loved by his people. He had risen to the throne through trickery and lies but had proved himself to be a great king.
He ruled for many years,

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wisely helping his people and keeping his land safe until the Darkness came.
A deep fog rolled across Zenia, and from the fog came hideous beasts that terrorized the country.
They burned towns and killed citizens for years until they finally reached

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the castle. The king and his guards tried to stop the creatures but were slain in battle, leaving Zenia in a state of chaos for years to come...

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------------------- Chapter Two
------------------- The beats had overrun the land, swarming in great numbers over the ashes of Zenia. And the he came.
A great knight in white armor, and he lead a shining army to victory, killing beasts all over

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Zenia. The darkness slowly rolled back, and light returned to the kingdom. The knight led a great charge for the castle, and him and his armies took most of it.
But then they reached the throne room. The king had been turned into a shadow, a lord of the

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creatures that had slain him.
The knight fought him until they both lay dead in the throne room, but Zenia had been freed...

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------------------- Chapter Three
------------------- The people of Zenia built a statue in honor of the knight and another in honor of their great king. They stood silently watching over the city plaza for fifty years.
Then it returned. The

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darkness poured forth once again, and quickly swallowed western Zenia.
It quickly captured many of the cities and sent its forces to march on the city plaza. The Dark Lord himself marched down and joined in the battle, slaughtering countless soldiers.

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He finished off the last soldier and walked towards the statues, preparing himself to destroy them. As he swung his hammer, he found he could not move. The statue of the king had grabbed his arm.
He screamed as he dissolved into the air. The other

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creatures stood stunned for a moment before charging the statues, screaming their battle cries...

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------------------- Chapter Four
------------------- The knight statue drew its stone sword and dove into the hordes of monsters, slicing and cutting adn yelling as the monsters dissolved.
A few soldiers that had hidden joined in, and they quickly

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pushed the monsters back with the knight and king at their side. When the last monster had been slain, the king spoke.
"We will not return again. You must defend Zenia in our abscence. The Darkness will return, and you must be ready," the statue said

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before turning solid again, and leaving Zenia alone forever...

To Be Continued
In the King's Armies

Coming soon from