"Goodbye" by Cirrce

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Dear Thos, Mari and Myth, you all are great. You've supported me through everything, even when I was a Corporal, (this is mostly to Mari and Thos, cause I don't really know you Myth). But you guys are amazing people, you are funny and smart and you all

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have so much potential. Whatever you do, don't let a game get between your friendship. You guys are all best friends and I want it to stay like that. I will still be on discord if you need anything!

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Mari- You are one of the best cops I've ever trained, and have ever worked with. You are smart and talented and you know what you're doing, thats something most people can't do. Do great things for me, please. I know you'll go far.

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Thos- Even though we aren't supppperrr close, you're so funny. You defend your friends through everything, and you're a great shot. I can't beat you in a fight, and I'm pretty good at shooting, lol. Even though crime is bad, keep up the good work.

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Myth- I talk to you a lot on discord and stuff, and you're really chill and nice. I don't know you very well, nor have I talked with you that much, but you are someone who I think will do great things. If only I was older. (kidding)

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You guys are the only people who have supported me through everything, we aren't that close but I couldn't think of writing this book to anyone else.

Please keep in contact with me.

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