"Insiders" by hhhelghaaa

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------------------- As fellow citzens of Vindex, we; Dopey, an EMT, Clev, a therapist, and Helgha, a doctor, have all the latest stories! We have exclusive interveiws with fascinating guests from all backrounds and points of veiws.

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Our first guest:
Shes a detective straight from our forces; Memacora.
-------------------"How long have you been a detective?"
-"About two to three days now."
"Why did you join the detective force?"
-"I've always been sorta of a

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natural at being a detective. I used to binge watch british mystery shows, so I'm pretty good at it."
"Do you believe what the mobsters are doing is right?"
-"Um.. no."
"Could you describe the shooting today from your perspective? Emotinally

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and phyiscally."
-"It was very eventful. I felt what I loved. I love helping others."
"Do you feel as if the police force is "family" to you?"
-"I know half of them quite well."
"Would they take a bullet for you?"
-"In certain events, like

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the one recently, it is best to be grouped. In certain situations, you do what you have to do to end crime. I can't answer for the rest of them, but for me, I'd take the bullet."
-------------------New comer Cora told us that crime cant be justified.

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Our second guest:
Hes a big figure in the mob, straight from the streets; Searles.
-------------------"How long have you been apart of this group?"
-"I've only been apart of this group for a few days now."
"Reason you joined?"

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corruption of power.
"I've heard its like a family, true?"
-"Yes, we are very close knite. We'd all go to jail/die for each other."
"Do you guys live together?"
-"No I live by myself. I can't speak for all members, but for most of us we

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tend to live alone.
"Whos the leader of the mobsters?"
-"Its undecided."
"Do you think killing will really make a difference?"
-"I think the goverment realizing they are no longer the most powerful entity, and that we can do and will do to

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spur change is making all the difference."
"Do you personally believe you guys will take over?"
-"We don't intend to take over persay, but we intend to make our power known, and give people hope in dark times."
"Because of being apart of the

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mobsters, have you felt others treat you differently?"
-"I have. Just recently I was arrested for "possesing an illegal firearm" that I never had, simply for being a mobster. I think that the most attention we get is from the police, unsuprisingly."

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"Do you believe being public will help mobsters?"
-"Yes, the more we bloster our ranks, the ,more we will be able to supress the corruption in the goverment. We invite everyone to come join us?"
"Do you guys think it is smart to rebel against your

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-"I think its worth it. Many of my companions have died fighting. So we keep their death in mind while we continue to fight."
"Why do you believe it is so important to make a difference?"
-"Well, it was a descion made by the

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injustices that where made by others. I saw people getting dragged out of hearings, I've seen people getting shot and arrested for self defense.
-------------------Mob figure Searles stats that the mob are just viglantes, breaking laws for benefit.

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Our final guest:
Hes a huge therapist, helping others: Partycakes
-------------------"Regarding the latest shooting, do you believe the mobsters are on the right path?"
-"Well, I didn't know about the mass shootings, and I don't have much

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of an opinion on the mobsters. But if they cause a mass shooting, then there out for blood."
"Why do you thrive to help people?"
-"I want people to know there is hope, and that everyone has had there hard times, but they aren't impossible to

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"Speaking of someone who knows things of mental health and stresses, do you think the recent events will effect someone mentally forsay, being scared to leave their home and not feeling comfortable around others?"
-"No one should have

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to see what happened today. Escpecially te mentally ill."
"In general, which side do you believe is right?"
-"I believe that mobsters weren't made to conflict with the goverment, thats the rebels. They where made to conflict with the gangsters."

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-------------------Main therapist Partycakes told us that the shootings where wrong, and that the mobsters are taking the rebels spot.
------------------- So, today we see the sides of many citzens. Now, its up to you to tell us what YOU think on these

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recent events. Stop by Helghas tavern, or contact Clev and Dopey for more information!

Interveiwed by: Clev
Story Ideas: Dopey
Written by: Helgha