"Fire Brigade" by itemframes

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1. Title
2. Contents
3. Rules to Join
4-9. Information
10. FF Ranks
11. VFD Leadership
12-13. Rules
14. 911broadcast
15. Additional Info

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Joining Rules
When joining the fire brigade, there are certain rules you MUST follow. You must be two weeks crime/gang/mob/rebel free. Do not join the fire brigade if you are on a suspension, if you do your suspension may be extended.

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Firefighters put out fires throughout Vindexcraft. When becoming a firefighter you can obtain a fire extinguisher with /extinguisher. Only firefighters may use an extinguisher. The only time you can use a fire extinguisher is if

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a fire has started. To know if a fire has started you will be alerted with an alarm showing the cords of the fire. Follow the cords to get to the fire. You can use your extinguisher by holding down the right click on your mouse.
You may not sell your

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fire extinguisher or give it away to anyone. If caught abusing your extinguisher you can experience severe consequences. You may be banned or fired. The firestation is located at 711/64/-672. Fires always start at certain locations.

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If ever fired, you will most likely recieve a suspension. You can't evade the suspension or you may be fired and the suspension may increase or it may go to a permanent suspension. Breaking laws as a firefighter may result in severe consequences.

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You may not ignore a fire alarm. You may not ignore a mandatory training. While driving to a fire location please use your fire truck. A personal vehicle may not be used. You must not direspect your superiors or it may lead to a strike. In 911broadcast if

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you do not have a callsign you can use [FF]
Make sure to never extinguish a fireplace.
End of information

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Firefighter Ranks
Fire Trainer
Fire Station Officer
Fire Deputy
Fire Chief

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VFD Leadership
Anyone in VFD Leadership, you should always listen to. These are the VFD's leaders and they can fire you. VFDL Ranks are Station Officer, Fire Chief and Deputy, EMS Chief and Deputy, as well as the Fire Commissioner.

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Must be two weeks crime/rebel/mob/gangfree to join

You can't use a fire extinguisher with no fire.

You can't extingush a fireplace.

You should not disrespect superiors.

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You can't commit crimes as a firefighter.

You can't abuse your extinguisher.

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As a firefighter you will get access to 911broadcast or 911b. You can use 911b with /911b <message>. The callsign prefix us FF use is HJ. (Hotel Juliet).

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Additional Info
You can find all HHSD rules through the HHSD discord.