"The Marine" by Elite___Assassin

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author`s note
===================hi this is a true story of me when i was in the army my username was PrivateeFearless if u remeber me. i hope u like it and make sure u didnt eat anything there will be parts that will maybe make u puke. I hope u ENJOY!

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Chapter 1 Joining
------------------- I was 16 when i join the army. I hope i never die when i was in war but there is a 50% chance of me getting killed, So i focused on the now, not the future. When we had Target praticing i was the best shot of my ->

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team. If someone messed up in training they had to do 10 laps around the base. I hopeed i never messed up which i didnt. we had to jumping jacks, laps in the morning, target pratice, obstacle course,etc every day till we wake up and then till 10;00 at ->

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night. Same routine every day, When i was ready for war me and my team will fly to the war feild in a helicopter. My 1st mission was a sucess
i was the sniper for my team because i was the best shot. i had
100 confirm headshots 50 heart shots.

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Chapter 2 1st mission
------------------- On my 1st mission i was scared but all of that went away when i looked at the picture my little sis drew for me. It was a picture of me holding her hand
i would always put it in my pack for luck.

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When we landed i loaded up my sniper and when to the turrents for cover and a positon to snipe the Rebels started off using there artillery
machine guns. We were drove down to the trenches for cover when they went to reload we got up and shot the machine

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gunners then to the remaining rebels. I shot 5 rebels then went to reload while i put my clip in A rebel was above me about to shoot i reacted faster then him i pulled out my tactical knife and threw it to him and it went in his head he drop dead ``that

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was a close one i said to myself`` We called in some missles to finish off the rest of the rebels and won the war.

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Chapter 3 The Wait
------------------- Me and my Buddys were talking about our previous missions saying what they scored looting the dead rebels i just sat there and listened.
after a couple of days we trained and
had a pool day at the base which

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was cool. After that more training.

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Chapter 4. The mission
-------------------We heard the siren go off which ment we are needed in the metting room. When we got in the waiting room the General had a worried face on. He said a group of soldiers has spotted this he pointed to a picture of

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A very massive army of Rebels and advaced veichles. He told us the Rebels are planning to have a huge attack on our base. He said we had to go with all we got to destroy the rebels.

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Chapter 5 The war
-------------------When we got out on the field we didnt see anything so we prepared out of nowhere we heard snipers shooting all i see men droping near me all bloody I thought fast and got my rifle
and ducked for cover

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I peeked out where i was and saw the massive Rebel army firing away the Vindex army went into action fast we called in for missiles and air attackes we drop bombs we lowered the army down more
When we thought we
will win the tanks

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came in and drop our nubers very low we called in for back up
but they wouldnt come in for a long time. We were getting killed rapidly. Now i see my friends dieing around me I was Heart BRoken and scared I curled
up in a ball to hide
I was having

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flashback of my past life my friends my family Everthing that i loved All of a sudden i emerged i grabed a rifle and i rasise it up high saying ``For VINDEX!`` All the other Vindex rised up and yelled ``For VINDEX``
i was ahead of everybody running

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and shooting the rebels near me creating a path then
all a sudden i get shot in the leg. I droped to the groung in pain feeling woozy starting to black out Then when i was about to close my eyes i see Vindex
army vechials rushing in and killing

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the massive army. When i look up i saw the medic then closed my eyes softly.

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Chapter 6 Life
------------------- I wake up In the hospital Taking in what happend before closing my eyes. I saw my friends and family
in the recovry room
and then i see my little sis holding my hand her eyes filled with tears in her eyes.

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When i got out of the hospital me and my sister went to the lake enjoying the sunset.
I thought to myself what Now. Couple of years later i became a chef cooking for people. Enjoying life
then i got the call from the Vindex Army they wanted me to come

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back so i became a soldier again ready to serve my country again with pride.


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Authors Note:
-------------------I hope u enjoyed my true story of me In the Vindex Army I will be making more books
and To all The vindex soldiers i salute u
and im ready to serve with u

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