"HOW TO KILL" by Jocipop_

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My book "HOW TO KILL PEOPLE" will be a beautiful masterpiece of Shet. You bought it so Deal with it.

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Chapter one~~~~
Secretive Murder.~~

Unless you find it pleasing to be chased by cops who suck at there job then secretive murder will help very much!
One way to do secretive murder is to lead the "victum" to a area with no people,

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Then Murder them! if you are worried they will snitch to police or others just use blackmail! or ya know hide out in your basement....Either way the murder is done :D.
Secretive murder can also be done in various different ways. For example you can

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always just Put them in your basement and torture them! :D

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Chapter Two~~~~
Attention Maker!~~~~

If you want to murder someone To get attention of the public the best thing to do is murder someone with lots of power or holds a Strong place in the goverment!

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For Example if you want to get the attention of lots of cops kidnap or kill using the Secretive murder method. Choose wisely WHo you kill when wanting attention!
If you choose someone no one cares about, like myself, No Cop will do ANYTHING.

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If you choose someone in the military or someone who as a place in the white house you will get attention Quickly. Also if you kill a police officer you will probaly get attention as well as killing the president...

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Chapter Three~~~~
(this chapter was inspired by tho work of toasty shepard)
Well so if you want to kidnap people you will need to target somebody unaware of what is going on. SO you will need to say something like "Hey you!

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Wanna see something cool? Just follow me to my house." Okay so what you are going to need is a good cage. If you want to torture them simply have a tiny cage so you can water torture or something.
But if you want more of a creepy vibe do what I do and

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Have a locked pen / room made of windows and talk to them and act creepy. Like say things like "mmmmm"
Now torture is fun sometimes so you can simply just drown them until they are at low health and make them eat. Or you could place lava then take it back

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then place water. So you can kidnap for satisfaction OR money you will see some people asking for a large ammount of money for people that don't matter so I suggest if you kidnapped a nobody ask for like 200 or just do it for satisfaction instead

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But if you caught somebody really important ask for about 1k. If you are doing it for the lolz then just continue to torture and if they cry for mercy just do it even more. If they ask "What do you want from me" it is your choice to have a set motive

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If they ask that just tell them what you want or just continue to do what you were doing. Ask them for money items info etc. If you have any questions for this section just make sure to mail me with this format (turn page)

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I have a question for your section of the book you wrote (question) Thanks

I will most likely respond as soon as I get the mail! SO hope you liked my kidnapping section! (btw Toasty wrote this so mail Toasty_Shephard)

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Chapter Four~~~~
Killing for fun~~~~~
A very Popular reason for killing these days on vindex is simply for The enjoyment of the murderer, if you are someone who has just killed for fun before hopefully this chapter helps you!

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So i think we all don't enjot being sent to the vindex prison, so if you kill for fun here are some fun ideas so you dont get jailed for your fun!
One idea is to always have a get away driver or fast car near by to ride of in so those donut eating cop

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can't catch up to you! also it would be a good idea to kill cops or others around you before going after your target, but this can also back fire making more cops come and making this murder spree a bigger event than you wanted...

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Some people also just accept going to jail, some people can enjoy the time alone i suppose but for the rest of us i suggest having various weapons and get away plans.

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Chapter five~~~~
Bounties~~~~~~~~~~ Many people set bounties on other players for fun and for the fact of seeing the friends burn...Anyway many people set bounties for Lots of money making rages of crowds come after

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the man or woman that was targeted. The best ways to get away with this type of murder and the money is to pull the "Come with me ill hide you" card! You can simply act like your trying to protect and bring this person to safety,and once your all alone

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pull out your weapon and KILL THEM! you could also just get a gun and shoot them from afar but WHO CARES! the first way is so much more fun!

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This Book was Written by Jocipop! yet the chapter on kidnapping was written by Toasty shepard!

Hope you enjoy the book and buh bye