"'tella Contract" by SherlockHolmesss

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------------------- 'tella Corp.



Written By:
Signed By:
Date: 23/6/2019

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I, Tony Stark (SherlockHolmesss) agree that by signing this I will:

- only be paid the wage of $3,000 a week if I have worked for atleast 75% of an event that week or if I have worked at Nutella Cafe for atleast 3 hours.

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- Alert Mr Scott Benson (_NutellaWaffle_) if I can not make it to any events in advance. I understand that not doing this may result in a pay decrease. This is unless there is an urgency in which case I will still be paid.

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- Not wear any given 'tella Corp. suits, that are loaned freely to me as I work for Mr Scott Benson after this contract is terminated. I will be given 3 days after the termination to do as I wish with the suit, however if I still wear the suit(s) after-

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that 3 day period I understand that I will be taken to court by Mr Scott Benson and sued for $5,000 per suit worn after this time.