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"VINDEX TIMES" by Tyler134
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===================The war between the rebelion and the Vindex Army is still going with no sign of defeat of any sign. The rebelion is winning we might become under a new order of Vindex!
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MixerMic just opened his store down in WestHedge with a small but fun amount of items for sale!
===================The Wyndhamresort still has many apartments for sale starting at 15K! It has great views!
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The lag madness is still a problem! Dragon said he fixed it but it just got worst!
===================A new section of the mall has been added but that section is for renting shops for 2K
and its for 10 days!
Very cheap!
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Kaylaswims is running for a congress member offering raises and help on the war effort! #Vote4KayleCongress!===================Many new jobs are being added and they are becoming very popular!
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The crime rate in Vindex has droped amazingly! Barely any crimes and abuse has been happening. Its been very peaceful and nice!
===================Many people are asking if marrage is legal! Many new families
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