"Officer Handbook" by Tony_Ramone

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Vindex Police Department
Officer Handbook

Written by:
- Chief Ramone


Date: 3/24/2023

DOJ Discord Code:

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The purpose of this handbook is to act as a guide to those new or returning to the field of law enforcement. Throughout this book you will find info regarding 911b/DOJ, policies, laws, etc. Trainers will guide you.

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Chain of Command:
- At the scene of a crime, the highest ranking officer online takes command.

- A member of the Department shall promptly obey all lawful orders of his superior officers.

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Insubordination 2)
- Members of the Department shall not at any time be insubordinate to any superior officer or be uncivil to any other members of the department.

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Use of Firearms:
- All police officers shall be required to attain proficiency in the use of firearms

- LEO's should use lethal force only when necessary, following the Use of Force Act of 2022.

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- Members of the department shall at all times conduct themselves in a gentlemanly manner, especially in their dealings with the public.

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- Being rude, boisterous or discourteous or the use of lewd or profane language to any person or persons whether such person or persons are under arrest or not, is forbidden.

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- In the event force is necessary to make an arrest, only such force as is necessary shall be used

- There must at no time be any criticism,racism or disrespectful remarks made towards anyone out or in dept.

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Use of Intoxicants:
- A member of the Department shall not indulge in intoxicants while in uniform

AFK Farming
- AFK farming is prohibited & punishable by demotion.

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Chain of Command

VPD Chain of Command

Police Chief
Deputy Police Chief
Colonel | Chief D, S
Captain | Cmdr | Snr. D
Lt. | SWAT Lt.
Sgt. | SWAT Sgt. | Det.
Corp. | SWAT Corp
Officer | SWAT | Jr. D

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Chain of Command

DEA Chain of Command

DEA Administrator
Deputy DEA Admin.
Inspector | Colonel
Snr. Agent | Major
Agent | Captain
Jr. Agent | Lieutenant
Snr. Officer | Sgt.
Officer | Corporal
Jr. Officer | Officer

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911b & DOJ
There are two channels as a law enforcement officer. /911b is viewable to all first responders, and is also the main form of communication amongst other departments.
A message looks like this:

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911b & DOJ
[???] Tony_Ramone: 00-00

The ??? is what would be a callsign. Callsigns are used to tell the job of the person speaking. For example, VU typically stands for V: (VPD) U (Uniform). The -## refers to an officer.

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911b & DOJ
Contact a department leader to get a callsign. As a cadet though, your callsign is [C]. To set your callsign, run the following command:

/callsign C

Then do /911b 00-00

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911b & DOJ
There is a second channel, /doj, or if you're in another department like the Secret Service /ss.

Messages in /doj look like this:

(Justice) [PoliceChief] Elviis > Test

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911b & DOJ
When using both doj and 911b, one should know the difference.

911b is mainly used to talk to all first responders, using radio codes. A language we know.
/doj is for DOJ only and doesn't use radio codes to communicate.

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Wanted List
The wanted list is one of the most confidential lists a law enforcement officer has. Telling anyone the wanted list is punishable by a dismissal, and can sometimes even result with a prosecution by the ODA in court.

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Wanted List
---- -------
To add to the wanted list run the following command:

/wl add <player> <priority 1-4> <reason>

To remove, do /wl remove <plr>

To open, /wl open

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Making Arrests
As an enforcer of the law, obviously arrests have to be made. When making arrests, you should always add the suspect to the wanted list if you can so that if you die with someone in cuffs, other officers know

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Making Arrests
That the suspect you died with is wanted. When you have someone cuffed, the goal is to get them to the prison center in Westhedge (1023, 63, -1432).

After cuffing someone, you want to do /911b 10-40.

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Making Arrests
By doing /911b 10-40, this alerts officers that the prison center needs to be secure as you are enroute there with a cuffed suspect.

When secure, they'll respond with 10-50

If not, they'll respond 10-60.

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Making Arrests
If the prison is not secure, go to the nearest police station and await for 10-50.

If it's secure, proceed into the building and do /rp checks & confiscates any contraband.
This takes anything illegal off them.

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Making Arrests
Take the cuffed suspect forward, outside another door and onto the boat. Be sure to tell the suspect why they are being arrested.

For example, "Bob, charges are murder, open carry, evasion"

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Making Arrests
---- ----------
There is a red concrete pad, drag the cuffed suspect onto the pad (this jails them) and then log the arrest.

To log an arrest, do /arrests log <player> <charges>
Then remove them from wanted list. Woohoo!

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911b Radio Codes
---- -------------
- Confirm callsign

- Acknowledgement

10-17: Enroute
10-23: On scene
10-99: Officer down
10-40: Secure prison
10-50: Prison secure
10-60: ^ Unsecure

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911b Radio Codes
10-000: Bomb threat
10-20: State location

- Seawall Bank Robbery

- Addersfield Bank Robbery

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911b Radio Codes
- Requesting Transport

10-16: Estimated time of arrival

2-01: Dead Body
2-03: Vehicle Pursuit
2-21: Abduction
2-23: Trespasser
2-27: Drugs Involved

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911b Status Codes

10-5: Can't respond (NLR)

10-6: Busy unless urgent

10-7: Off duty
10-8: On duty
10-9: Logging arrest

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Assault: Attacking someone with a deadly weapon.

Battery: Hitting someone 3 times when asked to stop.

Open Carry: Holding a gun out illegally.

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Possession of zipties is illegal.

Possession of any drug/drug seed/leaf (cocaine, coca seeds, coca leaves, cocaine sulfate, weed, weed seeds) is illegal.

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Possession of any explosive (tnt, bombs, etc.) is illegal.

Possession of any harmful potion (poison potions, weakness, slowness, harming, or a disease-filled bioweapon is illegal.

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Possession of disease filled syringes is illegal.

Inciting violent protest (telling someone to commit a crime) is illegal. Ex: Bounties

Evading police is illegal.

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Conspiracy to commit a crime (saying you did or will do a crime) is illegal.

Obstruction of justice is illegal and can be described as the following on the next page.

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Obstruction of Justice:
- Withholding info in interrogation

- Liberation

- Resisting arrest
- Impeding on an investigation

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What is self defense?:
- Self defense is only legal if there was no way to escape the situation.

For example, if an attacker shoots and you run and the attacker doesn't chase you, you can't kill and claim SD.

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Traffic Laws
Fines are listed from 1st offense to last.

Speeding: $100, $120, $150, $200/Arrest
- Limit: 45 km/h in Seawall, 65 km/h anywhere else

Refusal to pay a ticket is illegal, arrestable.

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Traffic Laws
Driving While Intoxicated: $50 minimum, $150 max, arrest.

Failing to Pull Over/Following An Emergency Vehicle:
$150, $200, Arrest

Landing on the Road:
$200, Arrest

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Traffic Laws
Driving on the Wrong Side of the Road:
$100, $120, $140/Arrest, Arrest

Parking Infraction: $50, $70, $90, $100/Arrest

Excessive Honking:
$40, $75, $100/Arrest, $150/Arrest

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Traffic Laws
Reckless Driving: $80, $120, $160/Arrest, Arrest

Failure to Follow Signs: $50, $60, $80, $100/Arrest

Failure to Obey Road Block: $180, $200/Arrest
GTA: Arrest

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In any situation, whether it be a robbery or a kidnapping and you have to enter a room/building, units with shields always go in first, with nonshields following behind. This is a great safety tactic.

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When engaging multiple armed gunmen, a shotgun is best at close range.

Shotguns are also best when destroying vehicles.

Melee weaponry is really great with shields as well.

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When you have multiple suspects tased, two per say. Cuff one of them, and ziptie the other one. This allows you to put them both in the car to prevent glitches.

See a trainer for more tactics, thanks for reading!