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"Envisioned Ranks" by hiqora
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Ministry of Interior Ranks:
Safeguarding Citizens: Role would either be [Medic] or [Healer] they would have both revive and surgery perms. Head role would be [ChiefMedic] or [ChiefHealer]
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Border Patrol: Border patrol to be known as [CoastGuard] (cooler) or [BoarderPatrol] (not cooler). They will check visas as well as cargo stuff.
National Security rank in case of emergancy (or our police rank, if Surfer deems fit for a police to be-
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constant. I believe we should have a constant police: Rank would be known as [Koa] means warrior in Hawaiian. A chief police would be [ChiefKoa]
National Military Rank (this will be incase of emergancy of war): [PeaceMaker]
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I think we should have a constant poliece presence. As for the bank I think the Koa can protect it, idk if we need bank managers or bank guard. We can just have specfific Koa as the bank guards. Ministry of Finance can have bank manager.