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"Rams Trade" by Mr_Canes
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By signing this contract, Mr_Canes (Downtown Rams VFL) and StampyFun_ (Southside Falcons VFL)
agree to the following trade:
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Player Trapninja265 (Falcons -> Rams)
In exchange for:
3rd VFL draft pick and $20,000
(Rams -> Falcons)
Violation of any of the terms of this contract will result in a lawsuit of up to $50,000.
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Upon the signing of this contract it shall become the responsibility of the Downtown Rams management to sign the player Trapninja265 to their team officially.
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Upon the signing of this contract it shall become the responsibility of the Southside Falcons management to use the third slot draft pick and collect the $20,000.
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Signed: Mr_Canes
Vindex Football League