"To: KboomH20" by Fire601

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Dear Kboom,

I understand you are very busy, and it is hard to have a full on conversation, so i ask you read this note in your free time.
I am writing this note because i havn't had a chance to talk to you in a while with the temp ban and how busy you

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are. So as I have told you b4, I've become [SecretService] :D :D
We're both blue tags now :D Also, the election is in 18 days I believe, and the old [SecretServiceLeader]said i should run, so i think i may run for it :D Also, I hope everything has been

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going well for you. I miss being able to talk to you. Your so sweet and im so lucky to have you. Maybe at some point we can meet up and hang out for a bit? Thanks. Hope to talk to you soon!
Bye! <3

Yours Truly,