"To Dick:" by Batgirrl

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Dear Dick,

If you are reading this, it's fair to say that I'm gone.

I'm sorry that I couldn't tell you in person, I didn't have the strength to tell you, I couldn't bear saying goodbye.

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From the beginning of my story, you were there. Always there.

Of course I acted like you annoyed me, but hopefully you knew all of my annoyance wasn't true. I loved every minute spent with you.

When I was down, you always cheered

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me up even if you didn't know it.

Your constant wise cracks kept me going through those big bad moments.

Even the smallest thing made a huge impact on me.

This is probably the sappiest letter I've

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ever wrote. But that's also because it's the most meaningful one I've ever wrote.

Dick, you're my best friend, partner, and okay long time crush.

Please don't blame my leaving on yourself, you could never be-

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the reason of my leaving. You'd be the reason of me staying.

I can't believe I'm really confessing this all this in a goodbye letter. But then again, you knew that I've never been good at sappy letters.

Your friendship shaped who I became-

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I always felt like we were always in each other's orbit, closer at sometimes than others, but there. We catch each other, even at times when we didn't realize it.

Even as Batman you still keep your true self shown. There's a warmth in your voice that was

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never there in Bruce's. You've done a great job hiding it at times. I miss it more than you know.

When I needed you, you'd answer. Even when you were going through tough times you were always there for me.

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I don't think this letter can even sum up what you mean to me, Dick. I don't even think there is a word that can explain it...

You have been the friend I can never doubt, and the partner I never thought was possible. What ever happened, I knew we could

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bear it if we had each other.

I'm sorry that I've never told you this before...
I have dated plenty of men that were not you, but in spite of how little I wanted to admit it they all suffered one major commonality..

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They weren't you.

I never needed any grand gestures, I just needed to know love them and know that I was loved in return, platonically or romantically. I just needed to know that when I call they'd answer and you'd always answer...

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I always wanted to be more than just best friends, but I've always been happy as just friends.
I never wanted to risk our friendship if I ever confessed anything more to you, even if I knew that we would always be okay in the end if we weren't more.

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So keep fighting the good fight, that's all I can ask.

And know this: no matter how long I'm gone...I love you, Dick.

You never failed me, I don't think you're even capable of such a thing.

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Maybe I'm overthinking things like I always do, maybe I'll be back some day. So...here's to the future, okay? As soon as I get there, you'll be the first person I look for.

One last thing....

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I need you to smiling that beautiful smile so the sun keeps spinning around.

I need you to keep inspiring people like you always do...because nobody can imagine this city without you.

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So, Hunk Wonder keep doing what you do best: Saving lives and being the hero that this city needs.

With all my love, Barbara.