"We are alike..." by Sir_Timothy_

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- This book contains some strong language, not for younger readers. Written by Sir_Timothy_

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"Help! Please, someboy help me!"
Mona hung from the cliff by her leg, when she fell, her thigh bone had snapped in half in a ragged break, sending bone shards into the soft flesh around it. The pain was agonising, and she was loosing blood fast.

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She tried screaming again "Somebody! Please, help me!" Her wail was weakening and as the tide came in, it got gradualy closer, as in, a few minutes ago, the water was metres away, now, even in flat water, the tip of her hairs touched the water, let alone

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when waves came. She was shivering, badly. She tried to take her mind of of the pain, so she thought about school, but that only brought her to the chat the health and safety instructer had given her, about never climbing the cliff on your own. Ofcourse,

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being a 13 year old, wanting to be a rebel, she had ignored the warning, but now regreted it.
Then it came, she heard it before her eyes focused on it, them being naturaly blury after being hung upsidedown from a cliff side for over 2 hours.

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But when they did finaly focus, she saw it, a wave the size of mnt Olypus, it sliced through the ocean delicatly, yet she knew, if it hit her, it would not be delicate. SHe swung, back forth, back forth, back forth, until her momentum got her up high, the

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pain in her leg was excruciating, it felt like she was being shot in several places. her ankle, her knee, her thigh {obviously}, her groin, and her shoulder, from where here arms had been hanging aimlessly for the last ten minutes. Then, it was her fault,

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that one moment thinking about the pain had put her off the real danger, the wave.


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The first thing Mona heard was a roaring noise, getting load, and then quiet, then she heard the distinct noise of people chatting, with an oriental accent. She tried to scratch her head, but couldn't, her hands were bound tightly with rough rope behind

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her back, and so were here feet. She turned her head, and as she did so, her ear swelled through a patch of seaweed and water.
"Ughh" She groand, but she instantly regretted it, as it rewarded her with a stinging slap round the face. "Shut it!" A man with

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a firm set jaw, several scars on his face, and a chineese look, said to her. Mona sat up, and took in her surroundings, she was on a luxury sailing boat, however, she noticed it obviously did not belong to the people that were on it, and, as if on call, a

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burly looking irishman dragged 2 people out of the cabin, both bound in a similar way as her, but these were gagged, one was a man, and one was a woman, who kept looking at the man for advice, who just cast his gaze at his feet in depression. They both

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wore fancy clothes, but the woman had an obvious tan-line of a necklace round her neck, but that had obviously been stolen by these reckless men. Both had serious facial injuries, which suspected a same kind of treatment that Mona got.

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Waves lapped the side of the boat, and the men thought it would be nice to introduce themselves, with stuff to remember, ofcourse. It started with a fair-headed man, who stepped forward and swished a Katana from his belt. He swished it experimentaly, then

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in an expert maner, slashed Mona's cheek, so her head jerked back and a splatter of blood sprayed the seat next to her. She tilted to the side and watched as the man introduced himself "I am Ross, you will obey me, or I will remove your head from your

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shoulders." He exclaimed, before stepping back. This time, a Polish looking figure stepped forward, he undid a metal gauntlet from his belt and slid it up his hand, then he did some experimental slashed, before dropping to one knee and driving the side of

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his hand against Mona's neck, she groaned, and sank from the chair onto the hard floor of the boat, before seeing boots step forward, a hissing sound, and a sharp pain in her hip as the Irish man slashed her with his Katana. She jerked her head up and

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tried to hit back, but her hands were bound and it only earned her a smashing blow to the back of the head from the chineese man, who then sat her down and shouted in her face "I am Campbell! You will do as I say, if not, I will hit you!" With a poor

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English accent, and showering her with spit. She groaned, and her head lolled forward. The third man looked English, he stepped forward, with a nervous look on his face, "I am Habis, I am son of Ross and Viv. Mother will not be joining us she does not

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like Father doing stuff like-" He was cut off with a sharp crack round the head from Ross, "Hold your mouth, simpleton!" He yelled, red-faced. Two of them disapeared down below deck and Ross stayed up top, staring blankly at them. "I'm Sorry this had to

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happen, my father is inhuman, he will do anything to get your randsome money. "Randsome?" Mona shreiked.
"Yea, father takes hostages then gets the people to pay randsome, then when they do, he will kill you, but he does it in a slow and-"

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"Ok we heard enough." Mona said, white with fear. "One day I will help you, I don't like what my father does, I promise, I will help, people..." Habis looked at his polished deckshoes shamefully, willing these people not to have the same fate as others.

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He cared more about these, because he just realised that he was in love with Mona, her muscular shoulders and long legs mesmirised him, and reminded him of his sister, who was now dead, beaten to death by Ross after she disobeyed him to slaughter someone.

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She was the only person Habis could familiaralise with. Only she understood what it felt like. Then he saw it, a blue light in the distance, no, red, wait no, he was right first time, wait, no, it was changing from red to blue! Oh my god! "Father! It's

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the police!" Habis shouted, although he hated his dad, he still wanted to get off with this Mona girl so he did not want to go to prison. He glanced wryly back at the boat, it was coming closer... "HOW THE FUCK???" Ross shouted as he stormed up to deck.

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"How did they..., Habis! Search the girl!"
Habis moved over to her, and felt her pockets, there was something hard, he took it out to reveal a Nokia 100, with eight missed calls, and, it was vibrating, he handed it to Ross, who threw it overboard and

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turned on the motor. Lurching backward, the boat sped forward, and the police opened their throttle. It was a tense moment, and he could see the police pulling up beside them, only a matter of seconds before the much more agile police boat pulled up

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beside them, the boat rocked heavily, and a megaphone wailed before exclaiming "Police! Slow your vessle to a halt or we will stop you forcefully!" As he said that they released a tiny dingy from the back of the powerboat. A man hopped in it and turned an

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outboard motor on, speeding infront of the sailing ship, forcing it to stop. As they did, the police boarded. "Right, who is in charge here!" one said, but then there was an earsplitting 'CRACK' and he dived backwards and fell of the boat... a swirl of

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blood came to the surface of the water, turning all eyes towards Ross who stood there holding a compact Sub Machine Gun. Then hell broke loose, Habis didn't see much but heard wails and cries as people were shot, as he dragged Mona under deck, to his room

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where they hid for the next tense 12 minutes, waiting for the fighting to stop, and it did. Mona looked at Habis, she could see he was frightened to death, but held her wrists and ankles out wishfully, as the rope cut into her wrists. HE cut them with a

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kitchen knife and rubbed her hands to get feeling back to them. Then an officer came in the room, dressed in riot gear with a gash on his right uper-arm. "Come on, your safe now... Your safe" He pulled them both into a hug.

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"Habis?" Mona groaned, as she sat up in her hospital bed, she looked around and saw him sat on a wooden chair beside her bed with a worried expression. "How are you feeling miss?"
"Oh please, call me Mona"
"Mona it is then." Habis agreed.

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A doctor came in, holding a platter with food on it "THank you," Mona said, gratefully taking the platter and eating from it. She realised that she fancied Habis, but she did not want to let him on, she did not want him knowing. She looked at Habis now,

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he looked back...
"Yes Mona?"
"Oh, um, hi!"
Mona felt her cheeks flush, she knew by the smile that Habis gave her that he fancied her to, but she also saw that he knew she fancied him.
" Hey, doc says your out of hospital by 1 pm."

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Mona glanced at the clock, it was currently 2:15, and, as if by curtain call, a nurse walked in and said briskly "Mona Stevenson, your due out in 45 minutes, please get ready to leave, she said this, while placing Mona's clothes on the end of the bed.

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Mona slid out of her bed and glanced meaningfully at Habis, telling him to leave the room while she changed, with just a gaze.
"Oh, yes, ofcourse, sure!" Habis stuttered and he walked out and gently closed the door.

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Mona put her clothes on, they felt silky, in place of her rough hospital gown. As she stepped out, Habis placed his arm round her.
"Thanks Habis..."
And they left the hospital together...