"AMM Guide" by Xvader364

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Hello And Welcome To
We are happy you are aboard the business and hope you enjoy its work.Here at AMM
We Support and deliver Army/Navy soldiers MRES or Meal Ready To Eat.Each MRE comes with 1 cooked mash,1 cooked venison 2 oreos,and->

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1 water bottle.This Allowes Soildiers to be well prepared for warfare each MRE costs 20 Vindex Dollars (No Refund sry)If you are an advertiser you advertise over the radio and get paid 80-100 a day.If you are a Deliverer You deliver the MRE to locations->

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around Vindex,paid 80-100 a day.Thank you for taking the time to read this and hope you enjoy your stay at AMM Welcome to the Family!