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"V.I.A Leaked" by oOGrumpyRabbitOo
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The V.I.A. (Leaked)
This book serves as an eye-opener to the corrupt government we reside in & follow by. Our government's "intelligence" agency was initiated with intent on acting as a anti-terrorist unit and stop crime at it's core, but all it's
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done is add to the crime-ridden city. They are a plague. No more will our people live in secrets. This is all the information we've gathered over the course of 2 days on the V.I.A.
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- [SWAT]<Commander>
- [Sec.OfPress]
- [Deputy] Ryanbrock
- Captain_Currency
(Dragon_12dk's alt)
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The V.I.A. was re-initiated on the 2nd of June
Agents have the ability to disguise as a player called VIA_AGENT, all sharing identical attire as seen here:
They have the ability to access any chest, and open any door
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They drive a custom V.I.A. brown helicopter as shown here:
Where you'll also notice they have just killed an innocent man at his shop. The V.I.A. have played a major role in contributing to this crime-ridden city, committing
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multiple felonies such as: Larcenary, Theft of DoJ government documents, Murder, Kidnap, and the list goes on.
Evidence to disclose the identity of each agent:
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Here dragon is disguised as WObblyOrphan to fool US, citizens of this country and WobblyOrphan is the VIA_Agent if you look at the ID names. "WobblyOrphan's info" The shift+right click
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way to look at IDs was since removed right after. Take the initiative and fight against this corrupt government.