"D.A.B.D Memo" by Twister2439

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D.A.B.D rules and regulations

Written by Twister2439, D.A.B.D's wonderful leader.

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D.A.B.D is a criminal organization focused on causing violence and terror. We are not a stupid terrorist group however, we do have morals. D.A.B.D stands for Drugs And Bioweapons Distribution. We split our gang up into sections. The terrorist branch, the

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propoganda spreading branch, and the defencive branch. Each one is explained below;

Terrorist branch;
This is the branch that does the money making by taking hostages, robbing the bank, and much more. They also the one that causes/ helps

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supports riots.

Propoganda spreading branch;
This one is strait forward. These are the people that spread propoganda, and try to recruit recruits using literature and things such as that.

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The Defencive branch;
This is the branch that defends the gang in judicial law, and things such as that. You would usually have to be a lawyer to be in this branch.

All new members will have to report to one of these branches, and serve it loyaly.

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Whenever not on call, or doing something asigned by one of the three big bosses, which are Twister, Killer, and Mantyknator, you should be doing whatever you can to get money. You are allowed to do whatever you want in your free time, however.

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Current mass projects include, but are not limited to;
*Neighborhood Annexation
*Recruitment through violence
*Double cross system
(This is a special branch, and only high ranking members and trusted members are allowed to be in this branch)

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Special Note:
Please do not bother Twister if you are a high ranking member or leader of a certain branch. If you have a idea that will support our gang, you do not need to ask Twister.

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We do not allow in the gang AT ALL:
*Anyone in a different gang
*Any law enforcement,
*ISIS or any other redical extremists
*Anyone named constantinos2, king_Eric_Jang