"The King's Army" by Firelord2001

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------------------- The King's Army

By: Firelord2001

Published By: Mabari Publishing

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------------------- Table of Contents

Chapter One - - - 3

Chapter Two - - - 6

Chapter Three - - 9

Chapter Four - - 12

Chapter Five - - 15

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------------------- Chapter One
------------------- Seventy-five years after the events of The King's Hand, the darkness returned. The fog once agains swept over Zenia, just as the King and Knight had predicted.
Zenia's army marched out to

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face the Dark Lord once again. They soon realized their mistake, however.
The Dark Lord's army of monsters swarmed over the army of Zenia, completely destroying it.
But one man survived. He had crawled away from the battle and leapt from

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a cliff edge, landing in the swirling waters of the great river Zenia.
He swam through the water, barely keeping himself above the waves. He finally fell beneath the water and took what he thought was his last breath...

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------------------- Chapter Two
------------------- The man awoke on the side of the river Zenia. Sand covered his arms and face. He pushed himself up and looked around.
All around him were giant trees with huge boughs. Flowers bloomed all

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across the ground. He plucked one from its stem and smelled it. The scent of nectar filled his nose and he smiled.
Strange creatures flew all around him, buzzing between the trees and flowers.
The man looked around for a moment before finding his

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sword again. He pulled it from the sand and slid it into its sheath.
He stepped into the forest and started walking...

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------------------- Chapter Three
------------------- The forest got thicker the farther in he went. It seemed that the deeper he went, the less creatures there were.
The shadows seemed to get darker and trees started to change from living to

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dead. He pulled his sword from its sheath just in case there was any danger. He just had a strange feeling something was watching him.
A shadow creature suddenly leapt from a dead tree, tackling the man to the ground. He smashed his fist into the

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creature's head before running it through with his sword.
He pushed the creature's body away and got back up, continuing his journey through the forest...

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------------------- Chapter Four
------------------- The man finally emerged from the forest into the land of Zenia once again. He quickly discovered that the forest was located high atop Mount Zenia. He stood on the edge of the mountain and looked

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down on the kingdom.
All across the land he could see burning towns and cottages, all destroyed by the Dark Lord's armies.
He swung his legs over the cliff edge and started his slow descent down the mountain.
He slowly clmibed down the mountain,

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stopping every now and then to rest on a ledge.
After a few hours of climbing, he finally reached the bottom of the mountain. He emerged into a small town that was burning. He heard a loud noise and then everything went dark...

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------------------- Chapter Five
------------------- The man awoke inside a cave near a small fire. A few armored soldiers were sitting around it, warming their hands.
He could feel his hands tied behind his back and started struggling to free

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"You cannot break free. Those bonds are made from Mythsteel. It is nearly unbreakable," a voice said.
The man stopped struggling and listened.
"Why am I here?" he asked.
"You are here for

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one reason... Mr. Heartborn..."

To Be Continued
In The King's

Coming Soon
From Firelord2001
And Mabari Publishing