"Statement" by tr4azxy

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Me (@tr4azxy) and Ryan (@ryaniscoolx) were making advertisements on the radio saying that the VFD is doing animal adoptions for only $100 per animal. After 1 minute or so I get a call from @y0lked.
He told me that he wanted to adopt an animal or two, so

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I showed him the way to DeptOfState (Where we kept all of the animals) and I led him into the animal sanctuary. All of a sudden he pulls out a gun and starts shooting the animals. (Note that he was working as a Secret Service agent)

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it took me a couple of seconds to realize what was going on, so I pulled out a shotgun and attempted to shoot him in the hope to save the animals. I missed every shot and he killed me. I told @ryaniscoolx that someone was killing the animals.

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He teleported to the animal sanctuary and I'm pretty sure he got killed too. @y0lked is now harassing us (kidnapping, mugging, and killing) for absolutely no reason.