"The Legion" by Blackout1171

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History of the Legion

This book contains information about the biggest crime organization that ever existed within the city.

There is also some inside information from a previous Legion High Rank--myself.

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The names of past Legion members will not be released as to avoid conflict. The police could go after these people, and these people could go after me. I hope you understand.

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CHAPTER ONE: The Rise To Power

The Legion was created by {Wolf} roughly two years ago. We started out like any other (gang). We were small and unknown. {Wolf} was the only reason we ever got anywhere at all.

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We started small. We did raids on some of the less significant stores, and we began buying and selling drugs to help make a profit. It was only because of {Wolf's} connections that we started to get larger, better paying jobs.

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After a few weeks of grinding through small jobs, we had made quite a bit of money and a much larger following. The police were starting to take notice, but we weren't concerned. {Wolf} used his connections to give us new options.

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We started taking assassination contracts and even began arms dealing. We moved on to some real blackmarket things. We also began raids on larger stores, and we even had one successful bank heist. Things were looking good for us.

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After the bank heist, we started mass recruiting skilled fighters and arming them. We started much bigger raids. We had more successful bank heists, took over a military base, and we even took over some parts of the city. Growth from there skyrocketed.

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CHAPTER TWO: How We Did.. What We Did

Now, it may not seem believable, but even after our immense success, the police could still not name a single Legionnaire. All of our identities were secret, and our members were very carefully selected.

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We attacked quickly and randomly. We were very good at what we did, and we were very efficient. Even we weren't sure how many of us there were. All we knew was that we had selected the most skilled and most active people there were at the time.

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About 90% of the Legion was unknown, even to the other Legionnaires. We changed our names often, and we never gave away any clues as to who we were. We did not even claim allegience to the Legion until after a raid ended.

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We only had one HQ however, and we never moved. We carefully blocked the doors, and we had guards posted at all times. It was in a relatively secluded area though, so we didn't get much unwelcome company. The roads were closely watched by our sentries.

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We had it all. If we wanted someone to join us, they would know. If someone wanted to join us, we would know. We didn't accept just anyone though. We couldn't risk a traitor or a spy. We had our ways of finding out who was worth our time and effort.

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CHAPTER THREE: My Time In The Legion

There weren't very many distinct roles in the Legion. Almost everyone who was not an Officer was simply considered a Legionnaire. I, however, was an Officer.

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There were only about four Officers total, and we served directly under {Wolf}. I was the personal bodyguard of {Wolf} and as such, I was placed in charge of the Praetorian Guard. The Guard was a VERY select unit of skilled and mature fighters.

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We were tasked with the safety of all Officers and {Wolf} himself, as well as the overall defense of the Legion. Our responsibilities included: protecting all High Ranks, guarding HQ, scouting out potential targets for attack, monitoring

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police movement, and making sure our identities remained secret. My team was only comprised of about four men, so it got a little hectic. We always managed to meet our demands however. It's why we had been selected in the first place.

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I may have been one of the only people to know the true identity of {Wolf}. I served under him for my entire time in the Legion. He was like a mentor to me--a teacher. He was a very smart and kind person, but he could also be very dangerous and scary.

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He was slow to anger, and he was very patient, but there were times where he struggled. He held great power and influence in the city, and when he got mad, there was little he couldn't do. Nobody could stop him, and my men and I followed his every order.

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CHAPTER 4: The End Of An Era

All good things must come to an end though, and the Legion did. The Legion is no longer active, and many have no idea who we were. But there are those who remember, both good and bad memories.

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I'm afraid that I can't explain quite why the Legion fell, but I feel that I may have been somewhat to blame. My name was different back then, and if any past Legionnaires are reading this, I was known as PhantomMarine01.

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The reason that I believe I may have played a part in the Fall is that I left. I did not just leave the Legion, I left in general. I went completely inactive for a number of weeks with no warning. I still blame myself for the fall of this great group.

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I know that I, alone, wasn't holding this group together, but I think that my leaving led to others leaving. There were too few people to meet the ever growing demands of the Legion. The group found themselves falling into a downward spiral.

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Eventually, Legion activity flatlined. The raids stopped. The robberies stopped. {Wolf} never came back. To this day, roughly a year after the fall, I still have not seen him again.


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Thank you so much for taking the time to read this! It took me longer to write than you'd think. My progress was completely deleted twice. I appreciate you sticking with the book til the very end.

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If you have any questions, feel free to shoot me a message or ask me if you see me online.

Also, I've started a business of my own. I'm looking for skilled and active people to help me out. You just need to message me and let me know.

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But if you do choose to embark on this adventure with me... be prepared for some rather "different" work.

God bless, and Long Live the Empire!

-Praetorian Guard Commander Blackout1171