"Contract" by OldMan_Ethan

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This legal doccument is to insure the two parties below act in accordance of the law




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By signing this contract, both parties the lender, Lemon_Twiist, and the borrower, OldMan_Ethan are in agreement on the property mixershop.

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The premis of the contract is on the following.
The purchase price of mixershop will be $1,900,000. OldMan_Ethan will pay $500,000 to Lemon_Twiist as a downpayment for the mortgage and will be paying off the remaining $1,400,000.

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Ownership of mixershop will be under Lemon_Twiist until full payment has been recieved. Once the payment has been recieved ownership will be transfered to OldMan_Ethan. If the borrower Oldman_Ethan, has defaulted on the loan by not repaying in 3 months.

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Lemon_Twiist has the right to sell the property and gain back the value of the outstanding debt. The sale price will be determined on market value and OldMan_Ethan will recieve any money left gained from the property after the debt has been paid.