"!!!IMPORTANT!!!" by Twister2439

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I have written to you before and write this letter just in case it didnt reach you. I am part of the ESM, and I don't agree with there policy of killing and selling drugs. I only ask for 2 things in return...
1.)Anononimity/a code name.

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2.)Money. If I am assured these 2 things I will be happy to work for the VIA/POLICE/SWAT/SS/
whatever and reveal locations of selling drugs, plans for heists, and location of drugs in base (and access to base). As long as my expectations are met,

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I will happily work for you. I just want you to be aware that this doesnt mean I dont partake in heists and selling of drugs, I do it to blend in. My name is Xave (twister2439) and I live on floor 22 of the SSA. If you are interested, contact me

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