"LoM Ch. I" by DxnkMainZ

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The Legend of Myrin
Chapter 1 : Myrin
By DxnkMainZ

Thunder flashes outside as I hand over some precious gems to the village blacksmith.
"So, you want a chestplate and a bow, lad?" he asks. "You might have to wait here for a while." he drags a piece of

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metal over to his anvil and starts hammering away.
"Please, just make it quick." I respond quietly, looking down at the ground.
The blacksmith looks over at me and smiles. "Don't worry lad, I won't take more than half an hour!"
He turns around and

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continues to hammer on the sheet of metal.
I sit on a chair outside, as yesterday's events flash in my mind...

I drag my blanket over my head and groan.
"Come on!" Hazel says as she drags me out from under the covers.

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"Okay, okay!" I grab my leather pouch and my bow and arrows.
Hazel grabs another pouch, fills it with some cheese and apples and hands it over to me.
"Good luck!" she says. She gets some seeds and a hoe and walks outside with me.
Hazel farms, I hunt.

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Together, we provide food for ourselves and sell the leftovers.
I run into the woods with my bow in one hand and my arrows in the other. I manage to shoot two rabbits and a deer! But I'm happy, because a deer would provide food for at least a week.

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I pick some berries from a bush and eat them together with Hazel's cheese and apples. After I finish eating, I slowly walk back to town.

I pause... some guards stand by the village gates, holding swords bigger then they are! I see a couple of guards

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dragging villagers behind them. A hand grabs my shoulder, as I jump I turn around to see the baker. He does not laugh, or say anything other than, "What are you doing here, boy?" He asked in a gruff voice...
"What happened?" I ask. "Where's my sister, is

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she okay?"

"Can't you see?" The baker said. "We're under attack!" Your sister's okay, but go find her!"

"Thank you!" I say to the baker. I run full speed toward my house. Some of the buildings are on fire, but thankfully

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our house isn't. Hazel sees me and yanks me inside.
"Myrin, are you okay? Are you hurt?" I shake my head, Hazel moves one of the planks on the floor revealing a secret room.
"Get in!" She moves me inside.
I look at her and say, "but what about y-"

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Hazel moves the plank back in its original position, as the door crashes open.

There's a crack in the floor, so I peer out of it... There are two masked guards, a man with a black cloak, and a man with a red cloak and a crown (who I assume is a king).

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Hazel stares coldly at the men. "What do you want from us? We're just-"
"Quiet!" Red cloak shouts. "Don't talk to me like that, peasant girl. Lord Gautier, take her away!
The masked guards look around the house as the man in the black cloak grabs

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Hazel and takes her outside.

"No!" I spring out from my hidden place in the floor and grab my bow, positioning it toward Red Cloak's face.

"Myrin, no!" Hazel turns around, her long brown hair flying into her face. "What

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are you doing!?"
"A child." Red Cloak says with amusement. One of the guards grab my arms, pinning them behind my back. The othee guard grabs my bow from me.
"What do you want us to do with him?" One of the guards ask.
I take a closer look at the men, Red

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Cloak is a fat man with curly blonde hair and blue eyes. Lord Gautier is tall and lithe, with long brown hair and green eyes. The two guards holding me are extremely muscular. As for their faces... Well, I can't see their faces. They have masks on.

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"What do you want to do with him, King Gifartus?" The guard asks.
"Take him away, as well." Gifartus says.
The guards drag me out the door, I look around, for anything that can help me.
Then, I see Hazel's hoe lying on the ground outside.
This will...

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work I thought....
I kick the guards, forcing them to let me loose... the split second I was free from their grasp I reach for the hoe and lift it high as I swing it over the guards head. He falls to the ground as the other goes to help him I run,

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running as fast as I can...


"Your chestplate is ready, lad." The blacksmith's loud voice snaps me back to the present.
"Ah, thank you." I say, gratefully. The blacksmith

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"Aye, here's your change. I can't make you a bow though, you'll have to get that somewhere else."
"Thank you, sir." I say to him again.
I put on my chestplate. I begin heading over to the village market, to buy a bow and some arrows...

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If I'm going to rescue Hazel from King Gifartus and Lord Gautier, I need to be prepared.

~The End of Ch. I~