"The Woman" by Bluejay2667

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The Woman

By: Bluejay2667

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Chapter 1...
The dark skies engulfed the flames in my burning heart. My pupils diolated as the sirens grew brighter. The sky was empty, hanging no stars from the vast blackness. The scraping of the wheels against the rough pavement, forced the gerni

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to jump slightly as it creeped along. My entire future lay there, cold, lifeless on the pale blue sheet the gernie be-held. His pale face matched the moon's circle of light. As i looked around i saw our old hotel room we once lived in. The painful

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memories complimented the good times we had. i looked away, it was to depressing to re-live his life right now. For he was dead. My husband, who once breathed in harmony we our children and I. Little did I know our children has suffered the Carbon

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monoxide poisoning as well. I watched the twins lay side by side, as they're final moments ended. They were only 5 years of age, and my husand, he was onlu 27. As for me, i was currently 25. i had on my black leather jacket and dark-colored jeans.

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Although, i could not tell anymore, as they were stained with my tears. I could feel them leaving my body, like the raging rapids. Suddenly, i realized i was falling. I collapsed upon the ground as the same pavement that just guided my family to the

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after-life cut my knees. The paramedics lifted me up, helping me to stand. my body was a rag doll. It fell so aimlessly everywhere, almost as if i had no bones. I was sat in the lobby after it was de-contaminated. They kept telling me how sorry they were,

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and how they could never imagine my pain. And they were right. They could never imagine the pain of having EVERYTHING you have ever loved taken from you in just a singular moment. They could never know the pain of WANTING, no, NEEDING to go with them...

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The next morning I stuggled to open my eyes hoping it was all a twisted nightmare. I turned over and felt the emptiness of the bed-spread that once held my husband. I saw the empty cribs, where my twins thrived. And then there was me. The only survivor,

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laying there, wondering, why did i survive? i was so confused at the question, yet so angry at the outcome, that i could not seem to think straight. My mind was clouded with depressing moments, furious arguements and confused wonders. I took the first

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step into a new life, as I arose from the bed, wishing my family could do the same. The cold floor below my feet chilled my spine as I walked towards the window. I opened the glass sliding doors with ease. The ocean waves lapped the sandy shores, as the

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beach-goers drank alcholic beverages, laying on their towels, and tanning their bodies. The young, fearless, souls, Threw beach balls, and shoved eachother into the chilling waters. The children's laughter complimented the adults conversation, creating a

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joyous harmony of vocals and inspiration to get back up on my feet. Today was the very first day that I was living in my changed life with. I walked towards the computer we had set up and scrolled through the old pictures we had taken last year when we

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vacationed in a hotel near Niagra Falls. The cascades were so powerful and white with anger. As i clicked on picture, after picture, i noticed the screen starting to dim. I checked the plug to see the monitor was still attached to the outlet. I looked

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back towards the screen as the light began to flicker, ever so slightly they seemed to go out one by one as the only light that illuminated the room stood lonely in the corner. It was now miday

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a collection of greys and black clouds began to swarm to skies. I turned off the monitor and layed back down. My boss gave me off the rest of the week for my loss, and $500. We were very close, and had a good business, so she could afford it. My husband

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was in the army, and he got paid that way. Now that he was gone, i didn't get any pay from the U.S., so the 500 really helped. I stopped thinking for a moment as I heard a strange noise eminate from the hallway. The hallway was very small, so I wondered

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what it could be. Suddenly, the last light in the corner went out, and i found my room dimly lit due to the lack of sunlight. I turned on my emergency lantern and laid it upon the nightstand. I got back up, and started walking towards the hall. The floor

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was cold, and it chilled my spine, on top of the current circumstances. I opened the door, as I slowly peared around the edge. At this point I had no forms of communication, as people knew better than to call me. They thought it was better to let me be.

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That's where it all went wrong...

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Chapter 2...
The door kept sliding open, slowly revealing the dimly-lit hallway. The ocean air quickly turned into an eerie breeze. I saw a small child-like figure in the corner of the room. I stepped out, revealing my entire body, as it slowly

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turned towards me. The small human had one missing eye. Pure blackness filled the hole in it's petite skull. I felt a fear I had never experienced before. The child started climbing towards me, on all fours, as if it was rabbid. Foam started pouring from

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a slit in it's throat at is began screaming like a dementor. It's clothes were all ripped and it carried a half-destroyed teddy. The child's fingernails dug into my leg as the floor filled with blood. I grabed a nearby shade-string, and pull myself away

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from the demon. Suddenly, I saw that I had bled out so badly, and was about to try and stand, as suddenly, everything went black.
"E.R. doctor, she has grade A wounds in left leg, according to the status report."
"Thanks Deb, ill see to it."

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The wheels started squeaking, and I realized. They were the same wheels that my husband died on. I couldn't open my eyes, and when I tried, it took all my strength. I don't know how I got here, or how they found me. I wonder if they saw it too.

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A flash of light helped me too finally look around. It dimmed as I saw the doctor's face come out behind it.
"Her pupils diolated, she is concious."
"Will she make it?" asked a frantic nurse.
The Dr. sighed, "I don't know..."

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I heard a bunch of papers being thrown around on the desk.
The nurse, Deb, brought up a couple facts about my earlier life as they looked about my history. She stated, "Her family dies last month".
I started thinking, last month? They left us a couple

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days ago. I heard a different voice as the door opened, and then shut again.
"Yeah, they died right before we found her, she has been in a coma for quite a while now."
I sat straight up.
"My family.... is.... dead.." I cried on the verge of tears.

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The nurse rushed over and laid me back down. She gave me an extra pillow to prop up my head, and came in with a tray of food. She told me to open my mouth, but I wasn't hungry. They removed my breathing mask, only leaving me with the tubes in my nostrils,

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and an I.V. in my arm. I started explaining to them the rabid child, as they said it was all in my head.
"You have been going through a lot of stress lately, you probably just fell, and then your mind filled in the blanks." The doctor explained.

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I said back. I looked up in the corner of the hospital room, and above the bookshelf, sat the child, foaming through it's neck, and looking down on me with it's one eye. I screamed. The doctors tried to calm me down. It didn't work. I soon felt a needle

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penetrate into my arm as everything went black again.
"I'm sorry, I know you just woke up, but you aren't ready yet." The voice faded away, as I fell deeply into a state of mind. That was the last thing I remember before, the, "change".

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Chapter 3...
Padded walls. Padded walls. Padded walls. Padded walls. Padded walls. The same thoughts streamed through my head like a running faucet. I was in an asylum. Not sure how I got there, or what I was in here for, I didn't even know my name.

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I saw a child in the corner, it came to me, saying only these three words...
"Welcome lost boy" it hissed. I had no idea what it was talking about, I had to restart my life, not knowing if I had a family or not. Thats when it happened... The lights

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sparked out, sending flames to the walls and floor. I was surrrounded and couldn't move my arms due to the presence of a straight jacket...

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And thats how my wife died. I am here 27 year old husband. She was never right in the head, but I still loved her, I always knew she couldn't handle having the stress of children and it caused her to stop taking her meds... She beieved we were dead, and

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never coming back. When really, we were here all along. They shipped her to an asylum where the halucinogens started altering her memories and incorperating a child-like monster into the. She was insane. And not fit to be a mother, with her medication.

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However, what she imagined while she was in a coma was completly real to her. She was the one to get carbon monoxide poisoning, and was in a coma for about a year. She imagined all of the doctors waking her up. She only awoke in the asylum for the first

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time, then started halucinating. She jumped off the bed, and hit the light, causing the sparks to fly and set her on fire. We will never truly know what happened in her head. But, there may be a demon out there doing the same to you. Are you in

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a reality like her right now, or are you actually alive? Ask yourself this question. I hope you survive, and don't give in like her. Losing your loved ones is terrible. You never know for sure if they are demonized either. TRUST NO ONE...

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Authors Note:

Hey guys, it's blue, for those of you with very active imaginations, I hope I didn't scare you too badly. ^-^ If you liked this book I would sure love to hear your feedback. Thank you so much for reading this, it means a lot to me.

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I hope you enjoyed your journey through out this miniature novel. If you would like to see more horror books out from me, more will be coming shortly. And if you have any other suggestions feel free to suggest :D. Really, thank you so much, it means more

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than you know. I loved writing this book, it was very fun and exciting, and I hope you felt the same way reading it.

More Writing By Me->

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I also write for a newspaper called "The Freedom Press" if you would like to read a couple articcles that would be great, you can go to sprinklesdude's bar, or just message him for a copy.

I also write some adventure books.

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my first book will be published hopefully quite soon.


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Book released on July 6th, 2015 at approximately 9:56pm.

By: Bluejay2667


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Just wanted to make it to 50, lol thanks for reading! -Blue