"Police Guide" by Yazability

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Vindex Police Department

Cadet Test Guide

Written By: Yazability


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> Introduction

Thank you for showing interest in becoming a police officer in the Vindex Police Dept. We can use all the help we can get and are always looking for fresh new faces to join our ranks.

Before you join the department, you must

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know a few things. First of all, we are officers of the law, we are not staff members, which means we cannot enforce rules and must only enforce the laws of our nation.

The main difference between a rule and a law is that a rule is made by an admin,

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while a law is made and passed by congress, or other normal players. Rules are enforced by Moderators and laws are enforced by Law Enforcement Officers.

We are considered normal players and must follow both rules and laws just like everyone else.

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> Chain of Command
The following page highlights the chain of command in the VPD. This structure must be followed at all times and you must always show respect and follow orders from your superiors. They have more experience and will help you.

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Attorney General
Police Chief
Deputy Police Chief
Department Leaders


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> Traffic Laws

Traffic enforcement is an important field in the law enforcement community. We must enforce all traffic regulations at all times. We enforce traffic regulations by issuing tickets to those who break them using /writeticket.

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When determining the amount for the ticket, we always follow the prices set by the Vindex Department of Transportation, this document can be found in the official Department of Justice discord server.

The most common traffic regulation broken is people

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driving on the wrong side of the road. As you know, we are supposed to drive on the right side of the road and anyone not doing that will be issued a ticket for reckless driving, which is a $65 ticket for the first offence.

While in the field, you

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will encounter many reckless drivers. The first thing you must do is pull them over by activating your sirens and telling them to pullover in chat in-case they do not have the texture pack on. After that, you will approach the vehicle, ask why they were

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driving in a reckless manner, and if you believe that the reason they provided does not justify their actions, you'll issue them a ticket using the /writeticket command.

An example of a reason that would justify their actions would be if they were

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experiencing lag or have an emergency (player is choking, player needs surgery). In that case, you would help the player to the best of you abilities and let them off with a warning.

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> Arrest Info.

Arresting people will be the main activity that you will do as a police officer and so you must be aware of everything that surrounds it.

Before we begin, you must know that as a member of the Vindex

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Police Department, you may only arrest people in Vindex land. You cannot go to other countries or go to the wild and arrest people there, as we have no jurisdiction in those areas.

The first thing you do when arresting a player is cuffing them

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using your handcuffs. You may aquire handcuffs with the /handcuffs command. A youtube video detailing how to handcuff players will be found in the Department of Justice discord server and you will be able to view it once you become an officer.

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NOTE: You should always warn players before arresting them when it comes to warnable offences, for example, bribery.

After you handcuff a criminal, you must transport them to jail using an official police vehicle. You can put suspects in

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a vehicle by right clicking on them (you must have them cuffed in-order for this to work).

Once you arrive at prison, you will take the suspect out of your car and drag them onto the red pad, which is the drop-off zone. The player will

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then be automatically placed in jail and teleported to a jail cell. However, you must tell the suspect their charges before dropping them off on the red pad, this is done to minimize the accusations of abuse and corruption.

Please know that as a

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cop you will come across many rude and aggresive players. Don't let their words and actions affect you and always talk to someone if you need help, regardless whether you are struggling with someone in-real life or in-game. We take care of eachother.

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> LEO Permissions

As an LEO (Law Enforcement Officer), you will be granted some special powers to help you do your job correctly and efficiently. Abusing these powers will result in a fire and a ban from the server, so don't abuse them.

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When responding to an emergency, you are immune to all traffic regulations, however, try to follow traffic laws as much as you can.

An LEO is also allowed to request a warrant for any property with the /warrant command if they have probable

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cause. If the warrant is granted, the LEO is given temporary permission to all doors and chests in the region in-order to search it.

An LEO can also search a person, however, they must have permission from a judge, unless they

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have probably cause which will grant them instant permission to search someone.

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> General Laws

As a Law Enforcement Officer, you must be aware of the laws so that you can enforce them. The following list of actions are illegal and are arrestable offences:

- Murder
- Attempted Murder

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- Robbery of Bank
- Attempted Robbery of Bank
- Robbery of a Gas Station
- Attempted Robbery of a Gas Station
- Threatning Someone's Life
- Drug Posession
- Drug Distribution
- Evading Police
- Not Paying a Ticket

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Those are the main charges that you will experience as a police officer, however, there are plenty more so make sure to memorize all the laws to ensure that you are doing your job correctly and efficiently.

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Attorney General
Albert Viktor

Chief of Police
Prank Perry

Deputy Chief of Police Hank Jefferson

Deputy Chief of Police Derrick Masters