"Trust" by AlexGLife

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The theory of trust :
-------------------After long time of expirience I ve come to a conclusion that trust isnt hard to gain. Ofcorse the theory is not flawless , because none the less we are talking about humans and not Science . Over the past

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months on this server I accomplised many things . Became a trustworthy citizen , FireFighter and Mayor. Became a trustworthy Rebel as well . But trust doesnt just help your relationships with others but many other things . Trustworthy means that you are

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going to be able to sell stuff to people esier . Trustworthy means that people are going to help you more frequently . But again trust isnt just the only reason for those successes . For example trust wasnt the case of my Shop AZ07 being so succesful that

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in 2 days we made over 60 k . AZ07 was succesful because it was unique , it was the first ever electronics shop on vindex . That ofcorse got me thinkin does unique have to do with Trust . I came to the conclusion that without personal touch and showing

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your unique personality you cannot gain someones trust as easy . Now people dont take my few words for grunteed because even if you are trustworthy you need many more talents to be succesfull . Remember though you can be good at

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everything if you willing you to become good at it . Will is the key word to lots of thinks so Dont Forget it !