"Dragon of Mist" by LeahDiane

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It all happened so fast. The ear piercing screech. The flames that could burn a whole army. No one believed they exsisted. They were supposed to just be a myth... a simple story to scare the weak. A simple legend that came to life.

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(Specific date: Unknown, sometime during the middle ages)
-------------------I could not help to have a smile on my face as I made my way closer and closer to the city. After seven years of brutal training I would have the opportunity to become a full

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member of the military. My horse began to pick up the pace as the city grew closer and closer. Other men rode on both sides of me. I could see mixed emotions written on their faces. Some filled with worry and others with relief. I turned back to the sight

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ahead of me ready for the future to come. I would finally make a difference in protecting this land instead of training night and day. When we reached the gate I hopped off my horse and walked closer, looking at the massive walls that surrounded the

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kingdom. "Welcome to Stonegate." a guard said to our leader with very little enthusiasm. They talked for a few seconds before the guard shouted to the others inside to open the gate. We continued inside. Stonegate was breath taking. Kids ran around

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large roads playing games while musicians played happy tunes for money. Merchants lined up the streets encouraging people to buy all sorts of goods, and guards stood in certain areas controlling the large crowd of people and keeping things in order. But

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it was the palace that had me speechless. It had amazing towers shooting up from large walls with all sorts of fancy windows and decorations. We walked near the right side of this massive castle and through a smaller side entrance. We walked down a dark

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hallway and into a big room with a large table set in the middle of the room. A man sat at the head of the table and greeted us as we walked in. We all sat and he began to explain the rules of being a soldier of Stonegate, and who would be doing what.

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After a rather boring talk we were instructed to get some rest for the beginning of our jobs tomorrow. It took me a while to fall asleep in my new bed. A noble had allowed me to stay there as most did with soldiers in exchange for protection. I laid there

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curious about my future. But I didn't let it trouble me too much for my eyes grew heavy and I fell asleep.

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I woke up the next day and quickly got ready for my post. I would be positioned on a busy road, watching people go by. I ran out of the door and to my spot where I was greeted by a rather odd man. He had messy hair and walked with a cane. His face was old

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with a scar just above his lip. He approached me slowly and asked, "Have you heard of the dragons?" I stood there for a moment wondering if I had heard him right. Before I could respond he yelled out to everyone on the road, shouting "They're coming!

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Everyone must leave before it is too late! GO now before they arrive!" I yelled at the old man to stop with such nonsense and that it would be best if he just left. He frowned at me. Giving me a glare that chilled my bones. Then he turned and walked away.

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Although it was obvious the man was insane but I couldn't help but to think of his warning. I eventually thought no more of the subject as it seemed to have no importance. That night I fell asleep much easier as I had been ready to get some rest.

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I woke up to the sound of a loud screech. I got out of my bed wishing to find the source of the sound. Then the screeching got louder. I walked out of the house quickly and looked around the road. Nothing. It wasn't until I heard a scream and looked up

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that I saw it. A large creature with two wings and scales covering its body swooping towards the ground, its talons streched out as it flew. My heart felt like it was in my throat. I stepped back in horror. The beast swooped down and grabbed an innocent

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woman. Then the beast flew away while the woman screamed helplessly. I ran inside and gathered my armor. Just when I had thought that there was only one beast, more screeching filled the air. I ran back with my sword in hand to find at least three other

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creatures flying all around snatching men and women from all sides of the city. I ran to the nearest archer tower. Archers were shooting waves of arrows at the beasts but they were doing little harm to them. One beast got annoyed at the tiny arrows and

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flew right at the tower I was at. I yelled to the others to get down but it was too late. I lunged to the side away from the tower as the creature came hurtling towards us. the archers were not so lucky as they were knocked off the tower and plunged to

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their deaths. I saw the creature up close as it flew away. It had fangs that were much more sharp than any blade I had seen, and its yellow eyes seemed ancient. It reminded me of a story my father used to tell me about these mythical creatures called

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dragons. These beasts were exactly how he described them. Then fear started to fill me as I remembered how he told me they could wipe out an entire village in a matter of seconds. I was not able to think of these stories for long as a dragon landed on the

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tower of the castle and began to breath out large flames that engulfed two small houses. I took out my bow and nocked an arrow. I aimed for the dragon's left eye and let the arrow fly. It hit the dragon in the very center of the eye and the he roared

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in pain. I had only made the beast mad. I took the opportunity of the dragon's momentary confusion to nock another arrow and shoot. This time it missed the dragon by a few inches. The dragon turned to face me. It had flames blowing out from its nose as it

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glared at me. I then knew what was coming next. I jumped behind a building just as the dragen exhaled fire in my direction. I could feel the heat all around me but it could not reach me. I could hear the dragon stomp over towards me and I readied my sword

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When the dragon turned the corner I threw the blade with all of my might. The beast fell over and I ran up to it, pulled out my sword and stabbed it in its stomach which was a weaker spot of the dragon. He stirred only for a moment before it laid down and

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died. I stood there for a second thinking about what I had just done but the shouts of soldiers brought me back to reality. The other soldiers had managed to take out a single dragon but the last dragon was something from nightmares. It was grey with

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large yellow eyes and hard scales covering its back. It's wings were sharp and long as if they were made to cut entire armies in half. The creature swooped down and took on the soldiers, carrying it in his mouth. It flew up in the sky and dropped him,

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obviously not satisfied with the new toy. I rushed over to my fellow soldiers but they looked even more afraid than I. Archers were attempting to shoot the beast but its rock-hard scales were not letting anything penetrate them. The only place it could

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possibly be shot was in the face or the stomach which was a very difficult shot while the dragon was flying in the air. Suddenly the dragon swooped down again. This time it crashed into a group of soldiers and either it either stabbed or knocked them off

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their feet. All seemed hopeless. Knights were trying to create order in all of the chaos but even they could not stop the unorganization. Just when I thought that this was the end for Stonegate, I got a crazy idea. Something that would probably get me

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killed but I was desperate for something. I ran into the middle of the commotion and waited impatiently. Then it happened. The beast flew close to the ground for another attack but instead of jumping out of the way like normal people would do, I grabbed

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its leg and hanged on as tight as I could while the beast went higher and higher into the air. I didn't dare look down but I could hear the shouts of people below as they watched me. The dragon was too busy with the archers to even realize I was there,

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which only partly described its size. I climbed up to the top of the leg and waited for the perfect moment to strike the beast. Just then archers fired once again at the dragon. The first arrow missed me by an inch. Panic started to fill me as more arrows

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flew by. Suddenly one grazed my leg. I slipped a little and was now hanging on from one of its talons. The dragon finally noticed my presence and roared. It tried to shake me off and I barely managed to hang on. The dragon then decended downward, trying

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to throw my into the ground. I climbed up a little more as the air whipped my face. The ground got closer and closer. When we were close, I took my sword and drove it into the dragon. In the heat of the moment I jumped off of the dragon and instinctively

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rolled as I hit the ground. I could hear a large crash and the shouts of soldiers as they charged the beast with their weapons. I laid there. My legs didn't feel broken but in that moment I was not sure. Suddenly all of the soldiers surround me. They

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cheered with triumph and pulled me to my feet. But when I looked around all I felt was dread. Stonegate was a mess. Buildings were burnt and ruined. Bodies littered the ground. We may have won this battle but this kingdom was left with a scar.