"Vindex MagicTime" by izikeo

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;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Vindex Magic Times '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''



By: izikeo


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It was about 200 to 300 years ago but i remember it as clear as day. People were using magic for everyday tasks and chores but one day a military general came and recruted all the magic users in vindex for the army but i was one of the magic users so im

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gonna tell you about that time in the military. Day one so in day 1 we had to demonstrate all attack and defence magic spells we knew but there was one problem WE DIDENT KNOW ANY so the commander spent that day teaching us them
and having us demonstrate

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them. Day two the next day we learned had already learned about 50 attack and 50 defence spells well than the military commander sent us into battle but it was against the enemy it was about 100 to 1 well he wiped us out all exept me because...

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he was my brother but the year before i got a letter saying he was killed in combat so i went all out with my magic and my swords i ended up only breaking his armor he dident kill me though
he just stood there laughing then he have me something called the

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demon slayer and saied here keep it.
Day three i had the sword for a day and was just wondering why he gave it to me it was like a 1000 lb sword but of course me beang the strongest soldier in the platoon i gould carry it easly so i started swinging

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it and every 15 swings it seemed to get heavier and heavier so i just re sheathed it and put it on my back. Day four i have been using the sword alot in battle i seem to be getting stronger and it gets heavier its up to 1989 lbs now i need to beat my

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brother and take back vindex city! So i started training harder and swinging faster and not using magic i found a magic skill called the sword skill i started using that instead of spells and its making me more powerfull so i started the journey back to

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vindex city to take on my brothers goons and eventualy him. Day five its been a day and i have almost reached vindex city i have been drinking cactus water and eating steak i packed
i see some goons of my brother il snipe them with my bow then run in and

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finish them. Day six i am camped out at hm 6 by the college i found a celler full of food and water after i get stocked back up il go and attack my brothers hide out esb tower. Day seven im half way up to my brother ...

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A message to the reader i an making a part two it will probly be out the next day as this comes out!!!
