"Flash V.2" by RiC3_Junkee

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Fash V.2 By RiC3 Junkee

Barry Allen bent down to identify to tracks left at the crime scene he knew that the car was a motorsport model 376 roadhog {2 days later} the detective and his partner went to the barn where the car was last seen

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the detective went inside then -)BOOM(-
-)BOOM(- two shot went straight through his back then he fell to the ground and activated the intercom system and then all of a sudden )-ZIP-( The Flash was there ready to take action then the criminal shot another

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bullet but that would never stop The Flash
-Clink- went the the bullets as they hit the ground, The Flash looked around the room he didn't know where any of the shot where coming from IT WAS BLIND FIRE! he couldn't figure out where the fire was coming

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from but then he realized this was a meTa huMan and she had powers like him like the other speedster he saw in the city, but never mind that he thought what if the criminal could go into some sort of invisiblity mode he began hitting the air and swinging

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at anything that looked suspision than WHAM he hit something then the criminal uncloaked and became visible the criminal got up and began fighting The Flash........ To Be Continued