"CID-Hydra-Rep" by rattlesnakee

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Report #1, 10/08/2017 (American Format), Report Summary:
After finishing a criminal profile report of Goat_Shephard, and DezIsOnFiire, agent BlackSeptember found a connection between them, he claims that Goat Shephard and

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DezIsOnFiire are doing joint-crimes together, such as bank robberies, narcotics distribution, hitmans, traffic laws violation, police evasion, etc. After this finding, I have given a quest to agent BlackSeptember to get a more detailed criminal history of

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DezIsOnFiire from a police officer, so we can confirm their joint-crimes.

Report #2, 10/09/2017 (American Format), Report Summary:
After inspecting screenshots of the criminal history of DezIsOnFiire and Goat_Shephard, we

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did not find any direct matching, however we cannot rule out their jont-crimes.
Recently we have also contacted many VFD personnel, and asked them if they have seen Pvt. TheZackWan near the fire station, none of them remembered it.