"The Blood of War" by LeahDiane

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NOTICE: This book is written about the newer warfare that came out in 2016. The one that resembled Vietnam. This is not a true story.

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The sounds of gun fire would fill my ears. The final shouts of soldiers. The final gust of hope before they meet an unkind end. These words barely even describe the terror of the actual battlefield. The actual reality of war.

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I muttered some rather bad words to myself as I made my way down an endless path. I looked to my side and saw that I wasn't the only one feeling the constant beat of the sun as the other soldiers look just as tired as I am. I could feel streams of sweat

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trickle down my face. "Only another mile or two to go! Keep moving!" one of the higher ranking soldier shouted. I sighed, not sure if that was supposed to motivate me or not. But I kept moving knowing that if I didn't the heat would bake me alive.

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Finally after walking for what seemed like forever we made it to a large camp where rows of tents were set up. A soldier spotted us from a tower and quickly shouted to his comrades below about our arrival. An officer walked up to our higher ranks and

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welcomed us. I looked around at the dark green tents and tried to think about which one supplied water because my throat was burning. But a loud voice snapped me back into reality. "Roll call! Everyone who is called stand up here and wait for your order!"

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said a rather serious looking officer wearing a green cap and medals pinned to his shirt. I stood there waiting patiently for my name thinking about getting some rest after my journey. "Private John Mason." he called. I walked up quickly and stood

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as straight as I could before the officer. He checked my name off the list and told me to go clean myself up. I walked straight to the nearest tent and sat down. We were in the middle of a lonely land with nothing but dirt pathways and endless rows of

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trees. The most interesting thing we found on our trip was an abandoned village. We searched the whole town but there was not a single sign of human life. I found the whole situation rather eerie and was glad when we decided to keep moving. I thought that

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when I signed up to join the military that I would be helping but I haven't seen even the smallest bit of action. Then I overheard some soldiers sitting in the tent next to me about a river down the path. I felt some hope flow through me. A river is what

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I needed. Just a quick dip would allow me enough refreshing energy to make it through the day. But just as I was going to go talk to someone about this river I hear shouting in the distance and the sounds of many feet rushing through the camp to see what

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going on. I stood up confused for a moment in this sudden commotion before walking outside. Soldiers were grabbing their guns and running to the entrance of the camp as officers shouted orders to anyone who would listen. I grabbed my m16 and joined

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the others. I heard a sound in the distance. A sound that I knew I would hear but it hit me with fear, with dread and with suprise. gun fire. I moved a little slower my legs trying to warn me not to go on. Other soldiers rushed passed me and it woke me

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from my fear for a moment. I ran further down the path looking for any sign of threat. For a second I had thought that the gunshots must have just been my imagination. I saw nothing but a small river with an old bridge. The area was covered in trees

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(big suprise) and everything looked calm. That is until I saw a figure move from behind a tree. They moved with such speed that I barely had time to process what was going on. The mysterious person raised a gun and I immmediately lungled behind a row of

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trees for cover. Bullets flew all around as I caught a quick glance of other shooters come out from their hiding and take out their weapons. A wave of bullets rained upon us.

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somehow found the courage to take out my weapon and move quickly to a better spot. a soldier was running down the path, obviously unaware of the situation. A rebel took notice of him and readied his weapon. In the heat of the moment I pointed my gun at

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his head and fired. My heart was beating out of my chest as I watched the man fall to the ground. For a moment I stood there trying to understand what I had just done until the shouts of soldiers brought me back to the situation at hand. A few other

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soldiers joined me as I walked further through the trees trying to avoid the rebel's weapons as we moved. Then we saw three rebels walking through the trees not far from us. They must have crossed the river wanting to get closer. We didn't have enough

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time and they suddenly spotted us. Two of them raised their weapons but one stayed there for a moment. He almost seemed scared... as though he never wanted this violence. As though he, like me never wanted this war to start in the first place. I couldn't

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find it in myself to start firing until one soldier pushed med behind a tree just before the other rebels began to fire. I hit the ground and quickly regained my focus, taking out my gun and looking for threats. One rebel tried to dart to a tree near by

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but the soldier next to me fired at his chest. Causing him to fall on the spot. After what seemed like I don't know a minute? Maybe five? It was hard to keep track of time in all of this chaos but eventually the sounds of gunshots died down a little. Once

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it was safe to walk out I looked at the aftermath of the battle. Only one soldier suffered from the battle but is leg was covered in blood. A medic was trying everything he could to stop the bleeding. I turned away trying to focus on something else. The

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sounds of gun fire became silent and I turned my attention back the way I came. We must have pushed them back. It had to be over but my eyes grew wide with terror as I saw all of the bodies that littered the path. Suddenly I heard shouts close to the

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camp. It sounded almost happy but none of the voices sounded familiar. I saw it. Rebels marching towards our camp. All hope drained out of me as I watched them walk closer and closer. I ran. further and further into the woods until I heard a sound next to

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me. Suddenly a man lunged out of a bush and tackled me. I hit the ground hard and swore I could have saw stars floating all around me as I struggled to match the strength of the man. I Pushed him aside and slammed his head against the ground. I then stood

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and ran, my head throbbing with pain as I made my way through the trees. Finally when I could run no more I stopped and collapsed on a large tree. I sat there wondering what would kill me first, the rebels or hunger. Although I didn't have to think about

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it for long as I heard voices in the distance. I grabbed a knife which I had taken from the rebel who tackled me and stood there in silence simpily waiting for my death to approach me. Only one rebel came first, obviously oblivious that I was near. I

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stepped on a small stick on accident but the sound was enough to make the rebel curious about the source of the sound. He slowly walked over and I lunged at him with the knife in my hand. He was not ready for such a sudden movement as he fell backwards

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onto the ground. I stabbed him before he got the chance to recover, my hands shaking from the adrenaline. I took his gun hoping to be able to make a quick escape but it was too late. I heard the sound of footsteps in front of me and without thinking I

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took the gun and shot. A rebel fell in front of me. Another one ran out and I shot him in the shoulder. Suddenly another came from the right of me. I took the knife and stabbed him. I tried to get away. Just wanting the violence to end. Just wishing to

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get away but more and more rebels flooded behind me. I ran behind a tree. I knew this was it. The last thing I would ever see in life are my enemies surrounding me as I accepted my defeat. No. I was not going to give in. If I was going to go down, then I

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would go down fighting. I held my gun tightly in my hand and came out from my hiding. I fired my gun. One down. I dodged the best I could as I shot and ran for another tree. Another down. I tried the same tactic but they caught on. I suddenly fell to my

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knees. I felt a searing pain in my right leg. I glanced down and saw blood splattered around the ground. I looked up. I was surrounded and wounded, unable to move. Then it all seemed to happen in slow motion. One of the them raised their weapons and

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fired. I sat there for a moment. A moment that seemed like eternity and then everything went black.

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------------------- THE END