"Contract" by LindaPark

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Upon the signing of this contract, both 1MouseGamer and LindaPark agree to everything written in this contract.
LindaPark will recieve the ability to reside and be an added friend to the property of mmansion1 indefinately unless breaching this

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contract. LindaPark must have the approval of 1MouseGamer for all and any exterior changes LindaPark wishes to make. All interior changes will be able to be changed without required permission from 1MouseGamer. If LindaPark is inactive for longer than 30

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days then LindaPark may be removed as a friend from the property. If LindaPark makes exterior changes without permission from 1MouseGamer, LindaPark may be removed from the property.

Signed, Linda Park (LindaPark)

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Signed, Linda Park (LindaPark)