"Depression Help" by mlancaster9

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Life has many problems. Some can be solved and some can't be solved. For instance depression can be solved, you can get help from family and friends or you can call childline (only for children) As another instance bullying cant always be solved, as a

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result of that many people are changed to adapt bullying on different ways. Sometimes they get used to it and dont mind getting bullied but still are fustrated by the bully. Other times they dont fully get used to the bully and try to make the bully laugh

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to stop the bully from hurting the victim mentally. They can also stand in a corner of a room and feel guilty for themselves because they think they are never wrong but sometimes they make the bully pounce by annoying them. Never annoy a bully. I have

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learned this the hard way. Laugh at their jokes but not at the bully themselves. Try making fun jokes that they will enjoy. That was the introduction, now for the story of when i was bullied and how I got over it.

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Part 1
=-----------------=So this story I am about to tell you is real. Please accept that I have spent time to write this book because I hate when people are bullied. Also please accept that I have been bullied throughout my life so i know how

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most people feel about this topic. Also if you like this book or it has helped you please let me know so that I know to keep writing them.
So this story starts in a small school in England called Saint
Josephs Roman Catholic Primary school. The bully

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mainly picked on me around lunch time because he would have more time then to pick on me. I used to hide in the bushes and make sure he didnt see me, i knew he was out for me. One day he grabbed me. I begged him to let go of me, he didnt. He knew i liked

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Scooby Doo so he bullied me about that. He said it was for babies but i was only 7 or 8. This hurt me a lot and i went home very depressed and told my parents. They said if it happens again they would sort it out. After that day the bully was not seen at

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all, or the day after, or even until i was 11.
At that day that he came back I decided to laugh with him at his jokes, at lunch i tried to hand shake him and he shaked back. I hope this short book has helped this is part 1 of the story. Each part will be

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a different story. If you ever feels depressed or want to sort bullying ask me in global, phone me, or come to the white house and ask for permission to meet me