"My Life" by Fire601

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------------------- My Life
------------------- Okay so i see almost everyone is writing books about how rich they are. But thi guy who says he has 2,000,000, i know thats a lie, and i think you realized that if you read this book, that I

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will not mention the title or author name because i dont want to insult any1. So I decided to write about a more realistic life, Fire601's life, my life. You may think this book is gonna be boring, but trust me I think you might find it interesting so i

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will share some info about my real life and mostly my MC life. I am soooo cool in rl i mean every1 lives me. JUST KIDDING! Im not cool, im not neccessarilly popular. So I consider myself a nerd.. a Holocaust nerd, I LOVE learning new things of the past

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escpeacially social studies. I am an A and B student YAYAYAYAY!
I have a lot of friends but still, not nesseccarily popular. Okay enough with the boring real life reference lets get to Vindex City Life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYWHOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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I have 8,000 dollars because i just bought a new motorcycle. Also I volunteer at a local homeless center and supply it with food and coffee for no pay at all. If u need any meds or food just msg me ;) I got chu back. And yes i say "chu" and "day".

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Im pretty weird o_O
But i like being weird, a unique kinda weird just like you guys. Buying this book means your into reading ;) And dats gud bru. THAT MEANS UR SMART OMG SO COOL! YAYAYAY! And yes smart is considered cool to me. Is it to you? Probs no

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But thats okay.. u'll learn.. im sure u will ;) I got faith in all of you. So my hobbies in vindex are to write books, donate every chance i get, feed the poor, and act weird o_O and btw I LOVE FISHING IN PUBLIC FOUNTAINS! Shhh.. if your a cop it just

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says no bathing in fountain nothing about no fishing <3 XD Okay o i make money from my $170 dollar paycheck and selling everything i own :D :D :D Not the best but, being poor is not bad. After all "the thing people fear most is fear itself" Idk the author

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of that quote is but it is my fav. Oh ye quick rl reccomendation, do some research on Benjamin Franklin, he make AWEEESSSOOOMME quotes and invented SOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH
STUFF. FIre stations. police tations.. and omg i cant name them all!
So i think i might

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end my book now ;-; Oh ye and i want to teach you some face I luv

. ; ,, ; . -----> .;,,;.

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. _ . --------> ._.

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. - . -------> .-.

I hope you didnt stop readin the book yet. I just want to tell you something. Do you want to donate to an orginization that raises money for the poor and to hospitals and to cancer and so so so much.

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Type "serving other souls" into the internet and press Menu and then press Donate!! Okay thx!! If you plan on donating tell me i will cry because how nice u r ;-; LITTERLY! ur so nice!!! Saving hospitalized people and poor people IRL! Lets make the world

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a better place!!!

Okay now ima tell u one last thing
Try to lead a healthy life. I've heard some horrible stories of not exercising, too bad to put in this book. o just eat healthy and excerise plz XD I mean u really should.

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Thx for reading this. If you read the hole thing I LOVE YOU! XD
( As A Friend Duh )
Msg me thoughts complaints etc. Plz seriously i need to know what u think and i got a little off track of my life but still thx <3 BYEYYEYEYEY!!!!