"Demons: Book 1" by gintanam3

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It seemed impossible-and yet it happend. As our massive army marched towards the single black and bloody figure, frightful murmurs carried across the silent night. Closer and closer we approached, closer we marched, closer we walked forwards to what

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seemed like death itself. A few yads away from the man, we thew our spears and fired our arrows, but as our artilery closed in on the mysterious man, he moved as faster than the projecticles and right for our front lines. Smacking into the crowd of people

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he twirled around with his sword cutting limbs, slitting throats, and bashing skulls. He slaughtered every single man that was at the head of our army. A few stood to fight, but they either died or found that they were helpless infront of the frightful

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man, beast, or whatever you call such a thing. Running was hopeless, for the dark and evil man was faster than anything known to mankind. At this point we all knew it was useless to resist our fate. Half of our men already dead in the matter of seconds.

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We knew we would all die, we knew that we would lose our lives. After seeing our friends and comrades mercilessly slaughtered like animals, we knew we could not run from the clutches of the demon. So as one desperate last try for our lives we gathered.

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We waited. We waited for the demonic man to come for us. We waited for death to embrace us. I saw the black shadowy figure rushing as our meak army stood, I heard the screaming of hopeless men, and I saw my friends and comrades brutally slaughtered.

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In a blind rage I grabbed my sword and charged the man, I knew it was suicide, but at that moment all I could think of was how my dead comrades stared at me with there soulless eyes. My short-lived life as a mercenary flashed before my eyes as I charged

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towards the man. Running across the dead and empty bodies, I charged at the dark sickening man with my sword. His back was turned! I had a chance! I had a chance to end his life-to end all this suffering. I ran faster towards him, faster, FASTER!

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Soc lose i thought- so close to ending everything-so close to avenging my dead comrades and allies, but when Ireached him all my hopes were replaced by fear as he turned around, smiled, and rammed his sword straight through me stomach.

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His eyes. I stared at his eyes and I saw it. This being didn't have eyes. Where there were eyes there were sockets. Sockets that seemed to be scribbled with black charcoal. Sockets filled with death...