"Quran" by Omar_Shephard

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Chapter 1 Sura
1 In the name of God, the merciful.

2 praise be to god lord of the worlds

3 the most gracious the most merciful

4 master of the day of judgment

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5 it is you we worship and upon you we call for help

6 guide us to the straight path

7 the path of those you have blessed not of those against whom there is anger nor of those who are misguided

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Chapter 2 sura
1 alif lam meem

2 this is the book in which there is no doubt a guide for the righteous

3 those who believe in the unseen and perform the prayers and give from what we have provided for them

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4 and those who believe in what was revealed to you and in what was revealed before you and are certain of the hereafter

5 these are upon guidance from their lord these are the successful

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6 as for those who disbelieve--it is the same for them whether you have warned them or have not warned them--they do not believe

7 god has set a seal on their hearts and on their hearing and over their vision is a veil they will have a severe torment

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8 among the people are those who say we believe in god and in the last day but they are not believers

9 they seek to deceive god and those who believe but they deceive none but themselves though they are not aware

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10 in their hearts is sickness and god has increased their sickness they will have a painful punishment because of their denial

11 and when it is said to them do not make trouble on earth they say we are only reformers

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12 in fact they are the troublemakers but they are not aware

13 and when it is said to them believe as the people have believed they say shall we believe as the fools have believed in fact it is they who are fools but they do not know

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14 and when they come across those who believe they say we believe but when they are alone with their devils they say we are with you we were only ridiculing

15 it is god who ridicules them and leaves them bewilderd in their transgression

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16 those are they who have bartered error for guidance but their trade does not profit them and they are not guided

17 their likeness is that of a person who kindled a fire when it illuminated all around him god took away their light and left them in

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darkness unable to see

18 deaf dumb blind they will not return

19 or like a cloudburst from the sky in which is darkness and thunder and lightning they press their fingers into their ears from the thunderbolts in

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fear of death but god surrounds the disbelievers

20 the lightning almost snatchs their sight away whenever it illuminates for them they stand still had god willed he could have taken away their sight god is capable of everything

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21 o people worship your lord who created you and those before you that you may attain piety

22 he who made the earth a hapitat for you and the sky brings out fruits thereby as a sustenance for you therefore do not assign rivals to god

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while you know

23 and if you are in doubt about what we have revealed to our servant then produce a chapter like these and call your witnesses apart from god if you are truthful

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24 but if you do not--and you will not--then beware the fire whose fuel is people and stones prepared for the disbelievers

25 and give good news to those who believe and do righteous deeds that they will have gardens beneath which rivers flow

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whenever they provided with fruit therefrom as sustenance they will say this is what we were provided with before and they will have pure spouses therein and they will abide therein forever

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26 god does not shy away from making an example of a gnat or something above it as for those who believe they know that it is the truth from their lord but as for those who disbelieve they say what did god intend by this example he leads astray many

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thereby only the evildoers

27 those who violate gods covenant after its confirmation and sever what god has commanded to be joined and commit evil on earth these are the losers

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28 how can you deny god when you were dead and he gave you life then we will put you to death then he will bring you to life then to him you will be returned

29 it is he who created for you everything on earth then turned to the heavens and he is aware

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of all things

30 when your lord said to the angels i am placing a successor on earth they said will you place in it someone who will cause corruption in it and shed blood while we declare your praises and sanctify you he said i know what you do not know

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31 and he taught adam the name all of them then he presented them to the angels and said tell me the names of these if you are sincere

32 they said glory be to you we have no knowledge except what you have taught us it is you who the knowledgeable the

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33 he said o adam tell them their names he said did i not tell you that i know the secrets of the heaven and the earth and that i know what you reveal and what you conceal

34 and we said to the angels bow down to adam they bowed

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down except for satan he refused was arrogant and was one of the disbelievers

35 we said o adam inhabit the garden you and your spouse and eat from it freely as you please but do not approach this tree lest you become wrongdoers

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36 but satan aused them to slip from it and caused them to depart the state they were in we said go down some of you enemies of one another and you will have residence on earth and enjoyment for while

37 then adam received words from his lord so

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he relented towards him he is the relenting the merciful

38 we said go down from it all of you yet whenever guidance comes to you from me then whoever follows my guidance they have nothing to fear nor shall they grieve

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39 but as for those who disbelieve and reject our signs these are the inmates of the fire wherein they will remain forever

40 o children of isreal remember my blessings which i bestowed upon you and fulfill your pledge to me and i will wilfill my pledge

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to you and fear me

41 and believe in what i revealed confirming what is with you and do not be the first to deny it and do not exchange my revelations for a small price and be conscious of me

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42 and do not mix truth with falsehood and do not conceal the truth while you know

43 and attend to your prayers and practice regular charity and kneel with those who kneel

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44 do you command people to virtuous
conduct and forget yourselves even though you read the scripture do you not understand

45 and seek help through parience and prayer but it is diffiult evcept for the devout

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46 those who know that they will meet their lord and that to him they will return

47 o children of isreal remember my favor which i bestowed upon you and that i favored you over all nations

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48 and beware of a day when no soul will avail another in the least nor will any intercession be accepted on its behalf nor will any ransome be taken from it nor will they be helped

49 and recall that we delivered you from the people of pharaoh they

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inflicted on you terrible rersecution killing your sons and sparing your women therein was a tremendous trial from your lord

50 and recall thatwe parted the sea for you so we saved you and we drowned the people of pharaoh as you looked on

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51 and recall that we appointed for moses forty nights then you look to worshiping thecalf after him and you turned wicked

52 then we pardoned you after that so that you might be grateful

53 and recall that we gave moses the scripture and the

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criterion so that you may be guided

54 and recall that moses said to his people o my people you have done wrong to yourselves by worshiping calf so repent to your maker and kill your egos that would be better for you with your maker so he accepter of

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repentance the merciful

55 and recall that you said o moses we will not believe in you unless we see god plainly thereupon the tunderbolt struck you as you looked on

56 thenwe revived you after your death so that you may be

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57 and we shaded you with clouds and we sent down to you manna and quails eat of the good things we have provided for you they did not wrong us but they used to wrong their own souls

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58 aand recall that we said enter this town and eat plentifully from it whatever you wish but enter the gate humbly and say pardon we will forgive your sins and give increase to the virtuos

59 but the wrongdoers among them substituted words other than

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those given to them so we sent down on the wrongdoers a plague from heaven because of their wicked behavior

60 and recall when moses prayed for water for his people we said strike the rock with the staff thereupon twelve springs gushed out

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from it and each tribe recognized its drinking place eat and drink from god's provision and do not corrupt the earth with disobedience

61 and recall when you said o moses we cannot endure one kind of food so call to your lord to produce for us of

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what the earth grows of its herbs and its cucumbers and its garlic and its lentils and its onions he said would you subsitute worse for better go down to egypt where you will have what you asked for they were struck with humiliationa and poverty and

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incurred wrath from god that was because they rejected god's revolations and wrongfully killed the prophets that was because they disobeyed and transgressed

62 those who believe and those who are jewish and christians and the sabeans any

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who believe in god and the last day and act righteously will have their reward with their lord they have nothing to fear nor will they grieve

63 and recall when we received a pledge from you and raised the mount above you fake what we have given

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you earnesly and remember what is in it that you may attain righteousness

64 but after that you turned away were it not for god's grace and mercy towards you would have been among the losers

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65 and you surely knew those of you who violated the sabbath we said to them be despicable apes

66 thus we made it a deterrent for their generation and for subsequent generations and a lesson for the righteous

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67 and recall when moses said to his people god commands you to sacrifice a heifer they said do you make a mockery of us he said god forbid that i should be so ignorant

68 they said call upon your lord to show us which one he said he says she is a

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heifer neither too old nor too young but in between so do what you are commanded

69 they said call upon your lord to show us what her color is he said he says she is a yellow heifer bright in color pleasing to the beholders

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70 they said call upon your lor to show us which one the heifers look alike to us and god willing we will be guided

71 he said he says she is a heifer neither yoked to plow the earth nor to irrigate the field sound without blemish they said now you have

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brought the truth so they slew her though they almost did not

72 and recall when you killed a person and disputed in the matter but god was to expose what you were hiding

73 we said strike him with part of it thus god brings the dead

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to life and he shows you his signs that you may understand

74 then after that your hearts hardened they were as rocks or even harder for there are some rocks from which rivers gush out and others taht splinter and comes out from them and others that sink

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in awe of god god is not unaware of what you do

thank you for reading part one one of the quran it means a lot :D god is a great thing and not all arabs are bad just know god loves everyone the same i hope you have a good day