"Law for Dummies" by AmaidoGoodman

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Teach Yourself: Law

1st Edition
Released Aug. 2022

Brought to you by:
Amaido Goodman

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Pages. Title
1-3. Introduction
4-7. Handbook
8-15. College Basics
16-23. How Vindex Works
24-39. The Courts
40-41. Final Remarks

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For the longest time, newcomers to the legal profession in our nation have been left clueless as to how to fulfill professional expectations. It is for this reason that I have decided to make a manual for all of you in dire need of a guiding light in these uncertain times.

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Handbook (use during Court sessions)

- Relevance
- Speculation (Guesses)
- Improper Character Evidence (Linking personality to acts)
- Hearsay ("Someone said something")
- Leading Question (Yes/No Question)

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- Compound Question (More than 1 at once)
- Narrative Question/Testimony
- Argumentative (Arguing with witness)
- Asked and Answered (Repeated Question)
- Vague Question
- Non-Responsive Witness (All questions must be answered)
- Lay Witness (Unqualified opinion)

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- Lack of Foundation (Random Question)

- To dismiss
- To compel
- To strike (from the record)
- For summary judgement (instant verdict)
- For a directed verdict (acquittal of the defendant)

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- For nolle prosequi (DA drops charges)
- In limine (to prevent invalid evidence from reaching the jury)
- Non-obstante veredicto (used by the defense to ask for an overturn of their verdict after a jury's decision)
- For mistrial (when there's a major error in the process)

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College Basics

The following pages are not meant to be taken seriously by anyone willing to study. Their sole purpose is to aid you in passing the tests that have been outdated since 2014.

Let's begin with the first one:

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Citizen Exam

- Vindex Nation is the name of the game's country.
- You can buy real estate by clicking on a sign outside the property.
- Public officials are elected through /Voting.

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Basic Law Exam

- Murderers (of animals and people) should be arrested.
- We drive on the right side of the road.
- The max. amount you can be sued for is 2k.
- Use /laws to find a list of all the laws.

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Basic Police Law Exam

- You can use /911b, /911broadcast or Discord to communicate.
- People can be jailed if they break the /laws or those from Congress.
- Jailing for no reason results in a permanent ban.

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Expert Police Law Exam

- Your boss may fire you if he dislikes you.
- The Attorney General is the º1 person.
- Roleplay is very important as a cop.
- Helping others with the police tests is forbidden.

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Police Exam

- We drive on the right side of the road.
- Cops can only arrest on Vindex land.
- Explain arrests to avoid abuse accusations.
- If someone attempts to bribe you, you should warn them.
- Death threats are illegal.

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- Search with probable cause or a judge's approval.
- Warn if needed before arresting.
- Laws are made by players, rules are made by Admins.
- Cops protect the laws.
- Reckless drivers should be pulled over.

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Bar (Lawyer) Exam

- Judge addressed as "Your Honour".
- The defendent defends someone accused of a crime.
- The plaintiff brings a lawsuit to Court.
- The judge is the public official that decides on cases.
- The bailiff takes certain legal actions.

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How Vindex Works

Vindex Nation is a Crowned Republic that follows the British Common Law system, based on the United States.

In this country, there are 3 sources of law:
- Emperors' Decrees
- Legislation
- Judicial Precedent

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Power is split between the three Branches of the Government:

The Executive Branch, lead by the President elected by the People every 3 months through democratic polling, in charge of seeing the execution of the laws;

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The Legislative Branch, composed of the Senators and Representatives elected through the Government Panel system, with the duty of writing the laws;

and the Judicial Branch, composed of Judges proposed by the President and confirmed by the

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Senate, all of whom are independent but are guided by the Chief Justice. They hear criminal and civil cases, fire challenges, appeals and petitions.

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Checks and balances

All laws passed by the Legislative must be signed by the President to be enacted.

The Legislative may impeach the President if he commits an impeachable offence.

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The Legislative may also summon an investigative committee to question the activities of the Executive Branch.

The Judiciary is entirely made up of members selected by the President and approved by the Senate.

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The Supreme Court may declare a law unconstitutional through Judicial Review.

The Constitution clearly defines the limits of what each Branch can and cannot do. The Legislative may amend it with 22/27 votes in favour.

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There is only one body with no regulations whatsoever, who may override everything done by the other three Branches: The Emperor of Vindex Nation, founder dragon_12dk.

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The Courts

I would like to begin with the way cases are handled in the present.

First comes the infraction, tort or crime, naturally. There will never be a trial without a fact.

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Afterwards, the corresponding investigative divisions of the Executive Branch will investigate and report their findings to the Office of the District Attorney, who may decide whether to prosecute or not.

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Civil cases are much simpler, for all the affected party has to do is bring a lawsuit through the Discord ticket system. The DA can do the same after receiving and reviewing the details of each individual case.

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Following that, a channel will be opened for what is known as the "Pre-Trial" phase of a Court procedure.

Herein will all evidence, witnesses and claims be presented, as well as any settlement agreements or plea deals, always before the trial.

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Once all motions have been made, after a prudential frame to allow both parties to prepare their case, Court will move to the "Scheduling" phase, wherein the Judge will attempt to propose appointments to no avail until one is feasible for all parties involved and their lawyers.

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The day of the fateful trial has arrived. After the bailiff announces the entrance of the presiding judge, all must rise from their seats to pay respects to "Your Honour". Not long after, the same bailiff will swear everyone in with the simple formula:

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"Please raise your right hand and repeat after me:"

Both of you raise your hands.

"I solemnly affirm that the evidence I shall give shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth."

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From this point onwards, lying will result in a criminal charge known as "Perjury".

Next, the defendant will be asked whether how they plea to the claim.

In criminal court, one may plea: Guilty, Not Guilty or No Contest.

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Guilty pleas may be entered without a deal or with a deal.

Pleading guilty without a deal will result in the maximum punishment requested by the prosecution. The trial will skip to the delivery of the verdict.

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On the other hand, both parties may reach an agreement upon which the punishment for pleading guilty will be set to those agreed to by the prosecution and the defence.

In civil court, there is a similar concept known as out-of-court settlements.

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Next, both sides will introduce their case through the Opening Statements. The prosecution/plaintiff will always be the first in this regard.

Next comes the evidence examination phase. First, the plaintiff/prosecution will present their proof.

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After the presentation of each piece of evidence, the opposing side will be allowed to cross-examine the very same proof; make remarks thereof, ask questions, make motions, etc.

As soon as all evidence from both sides has been reviewed,

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a similar phase will take place, called Witness Examination. Both parties will have the chance to call and question witnesses of their choosing; provided they have something to add to the individual case to which they have been called for.

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Once this is over, a phase similar to the opening arguments will commence, wherein both the defendant and the plaintiff will utter their closing arguments. Finally, after a lengthy process, the presiding judge will call for a recess.

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After the recess is complete, the judge will announce the verdict and adjourn court.

What a judge says, goes. They have the backing of Staff Team to ensure their rulings are enforced, and evasion of Court can get one banned.

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If after all of this, you disagree with a judge's verdict, you can always appeal to the Supreme Court through the correct channels.

They may refuse to hear your appeal. But if they do, a trial will be repeated.

That is how the Courts work.

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Final Remarks

I would like to thank everyone that has made the writing of this book possible.

Vindex is a server with huge RP potential, especially insofar as the Courts are concerned, and so this small introductory book came to be.

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I hope you have enjoyed reading. If you find any mistakes in my writing, feel free to send me a message so I can improve its contents in future releases.

God Bless Vindex!
May he protect our Laws...