"Corruption P.1" by Not_Rexzy

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Corruption Part 1

Hello, My Name is James Hold and I am going to show you my story

Chapter 1: Born

Today is the day I was born I dont know why but i remember all of it let me tell you some of it, I was born then my

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mom picked me up and held me for exactly 2.5 minutes, then my dad during the process my dad was in the restroom for like 10 minutes, the doctors took me and My mom was in pain more than she should. so they had to send me to the "Bad Part of birth" after

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they did what they needed too, My mom died within 24 hours my dad was really mad and had alot of regret.
After my mom died my father killed himself very sad times... just because they had sex 9 months ago they both died.

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Chapter 2: Abuse

As I grew up with my aunt and my uncle were abusive towards me, I have acouple friends one of them was named Jake Hall, he was a nerd but he was honest and hes very important to me so important because without him I'd be dead.

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I was coming to the lunch table and the school bully they call him "The Monster" because hes stronger and bigger than anyone else, anyway he said "Give me your money or else..." and then I say no and then he says these words

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"You will regret you were ever born" and then Jake says "No Were done with all of bullying and then everyone in the school beat the bully up.

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Chapter 3: Uncle

My uncle was not abusive towards me but, he was arrested for murder, who he murdered? my father, he made it look like he suicide with a rope and everything. So once he did that I moved with my Grandma.

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Chapter 4: Revenge

My grandma cant really do anything so, i sneak out alot but one day my uncle was released he served 15 years, then my grandma died with a heart attack..., so I moved in with my aunt again and she abused me so, I called the cops

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and She said the boy goes out so I spanked him and I say "Youve abused me alot in my life age 5-15 im done with you and she is arrested for child abuse. My mom was thaught to be dead then... doctors find a person waking up in a hospital bed, and She cant

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talk anymore, and they find out the killer of my dad is.. My mom at this point im so confused with the death and everything so before officers get there I stab her... and I call an ambulance and say a guy stabbed her and she dies 1 day later.

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Chapter 5: Adopted

As I am adopted now by Joe & Hannah West
I start to turn good,
I found myself applying for a detective role...
I am accepted and my life turned around, they put me as a paper pusher for 5 years and then I am promoted

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but thats a story for another day!

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